
Latin Keywords crucis, crucem, crucium
Short Description The blessing of a cross or crucifix.


Book Original Index Title P.N
AT Austria 1150 (about), Pontifical, CRSA Klosterneuburg Ms. 0622 | 712 Benedictio crucis
AT Austria 1265 (before), Pontifical, CRSA Klosterneuburg Ms. 1020 | 713 Benedictio crucis
AT Salzburg 1000-1100, Pontifical, ÖNB Wien Cod. 1830 Han | 882 Benedictio crucis
28 (26v)
AT Salzburg 1000-1050, Pontifical, BM Vendôme Ms. 14 | 1022 Benedictio crucis
AT Sankt Lambrecht 1150-1200, Pontifical, UB Graz Ms. 326 | 884 Benedictio crucis
171 (224r)
AT Seckau 1200 (about), Pontifical, UB Graz Ms. 916 | 579 Benedictio crucis
92 (45v)
AT Seckau (CRSA) 1100-1200, Ritual, UB Graz Ms 784 | 1177 Benedictio crucis
89 (43r)
CH Basel 1462-1463 (about), Pontifical, Bibl. Cant. Porrentruy Ms. 03 | 1661 Benedictio crucis
CH Sankt Gallen 1100-1200, Ritual, OSB St. Gallen Cod. Sang. 0395 | 572 -
1 (1)
CZ Litomyšl 1376, Pontifical, OPraem Praha DG I 19 | 343 Benedictio crucis
226 (111r)
CZ Litomyšl 1376, Pontifical, OPraem Praha DG I 19 | 343 Benedictio crucis metallizatae sequitur
309 (152v)
DE Augsburg 1138-1142, Pontifical, BSB München Clm 03909 | 914 Benedictio crucis
260 (129r)
DE Augsburg 1000-1200, Pontifical, BSB München Clm 03917 | 915 Benedictio crucis
209 (103r)
DE Corvey 0965-1000, Sacramentary, BSB München Clm 10077 | 3478 Benedictio crucis
405 (208r)
DE Corvey 0875-0900, Sacramentary, ULB Düsseldorf Cod. D 1 | 6629 Benedictio crucis
DE Essen 0950-1000, Sacramentary, ULB Düsseldorf MS-D-02 | 5242 Benedic Domine hanc crucem tuam
DE Freising 1005-1039, Pontifical, BSB München Clm 21587 | 287 Benedictio crucis
DE Hildesheim 1067 (about), Pontifical, StaBi Bamberg Msc. Lit. 054 | 899 Benedictio crucis
14 (5r)
DE Köln 1150 (about), Pontifical, Dombibl. Köln Cod. 0140 | 308 Benedictio crucis
242 (120v)
DE Köln 1000-1100, Pontifical, BAV Ottobon. lat. 167 | 902 Benedictio crucis novae
DE Köln 1133, Missal, BNF Paris Lat. 12055 | 131 Benedictio crucis novae
DE Lüneburg 1100-1150, Pontifical, HAB Wolfenbüttel Cod. Guelf. 0141 Helmst., Heinemann-Nr. 164 | 349 Benedictio crucis
184 (90v)
DE Mainz 1671, Ritual, Agenda Moguntina-Herbipolensis-Wormatensis | 370 Benedictio novae crucis
328 (311)
DE Mainz 1671, Ritual, Agenda Moguntina-Herbipolensis-Wormatensis | 370 De processione et ritu quando crux in campo erigenda est
393 (374)
DE Meißen 1512, Ritual, Benedictionale Misnense | 377 Modus signum crucis affigendi
162 (79v)
DE Passau 1150-1200, Pontifical, ÖNB Wien Cod. 1817 Han | 885 Benedictio crucium
DE Regensburg 1060-1089, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 01231 | 552 Benedictio crucis
DE Regensburg 1060-1089, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 01231 | 552 Benedictio crucis
DE Regensburg 0993-0994, Sacramentary, Bibl. Cap. Verona LXXXVI | 1038 Benedictio crucis
DE Regensburg 0824-0827, Ordines Romani, BSB München Clm 14510 | 901 Benedictio crucis
84 (71v)
DE Reichenau 0962-0967, Sacramentary, BNC Firenze Banco Rari 231 | 2975 Benedictio crucis
DE Salem 1400-1500, Pontifical, UB Heidelberg Cod. Sal. VII,86 | 733 Benedictio crucis
105 (52r)
DE Trier 1000-1100, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 13313 | 638 Benedic Domine hanc crucem tuam
86 (82r)
DE Trier 1100-1200, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 13315 | 632 Benedictio crucis
79 (80r)
DE Trier 1000-1100, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 13313 | 638 Benedictio crucis
79 (75r)
DE Trier 1100-1200, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 13315 | 639 Benedictio crucis
79 (80r)
DE Wessobrunn 1120 (about), Collectary, Ritual, BSB München Clm 22039 | 3510 Benedictio crucis
399 (198r)
DE Worms 0975-1000, Pontifical, BM Troyes Ms. 2141 | 1019 Ordo ad crucem benedicendam
DK Odense 1300-1400, Ritual, KB København GKS 3453 oktav | 431 Sequitur ordo qualiter benedicantur et villae
25 (45)
ES Barcelona 1569, Ritual, Ordinarium Barcinonense | 197 De benedictione crucis
435 (201r)
ES Huesca 1275-1300, Pontifical, Arch. Catedral Huesca Ms. 10 (9) | 970 Vigesima secunda de consecratione novae crucis
113 (110v)
ES Huesca 1275-1300, Pontifical, Arch. Catedral Huesca Ms. 10 (9) | 970 Vigesima secunda de consecratione novae crucis
113 (110v)
ES Palma de Mallorca 1601, Ritual, Manuale Maioricense | 517 Benedictio crucis
358 (332)
ES Sigüenza 1200-1300, Pontifical, Bibl. Cap. Toledo Ms. 39.14 | 591 Benedictio crucis
ES Toledo 1250-1300, Pontifical, Bibl. Cap. Toledo Ms. 39.12 | 615 -
ES Vic 1050 (about), Pontifical, Arx. Cap. Vic Ms. 103 (XCIII) | 672 Benedictio novae crucis
40 (226)
ES Zaragoza 1600, Ritual, Manuale Caesaraugustanum | 696 De benedictione crucis
430 (412)
FR Albi 1100-1200, Pontifical, BM Albi Ms. 34 (20) | 156 Oratio ad crucem adorandam
FR Angers 1543, Ritual, Manuale Andegavense | 162 Alia benedictio pro signo crucis
199 (87r)
FR Angers 1450 (about), Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 01227 | 985 Praefatio ad benedicendam crucem
14 (4v)
FR Angers 1450 (about), Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 01227 | 985 Ad benedicendum cruces dicuntur sequentes orationes
265 (130r)
FR Angers 1450 (about), Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 01227 | 985 Praefatio ad benedicendum crucem
14 (4v)
FR Angers 1450 (about), Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 01227 | 985 Ad benedicendum cruces
265 (130r)
FR Angers, Saint-Serge et Bacchus 1412-1418, Pontifical, Mus. Dobrée Nantes Ms. 10 | 1003 Praefatio ad benedicendum crucem
FR Angoulême 1509, Ritual, Manuale Engolismense | 917 Benedictio crucis
201 (97v)
FR Arles 1200-1300, Pontifical, Monasterio Escorial J-III-24 | 167 In benedictione crucis
103 (102r)
FR Arras 1300 (about), Pontifical, BM Arras Ms. 889 (olim 469) | 945 Benedictio crucis novae
FR Arras 1094-1196, Benedictional, BM Boulogne Ms. 84 | 997 Praefatio ad crucem
134 (125v)
FR Arras 1094-1196, Benedictional, BM Boulogne Ms. 84 | 997 Benedictio crucis
FR Autun 1503, Ritual, Officiarium Eduense | 185 Benedictio crucium
FR Auxerre 1300-1325, Pontifical, BM Auxerre Ms. 053 | 946 Benedictio crucis
FR Besançon 1515 (about), Ritual, Manuale Bisuntinense | 206 Benedictio crucis
47 (37v)
FR Besançon 1485, Missal, Missale Bisuntinense | 6 Benedictio crucis
FR Besançon 1048-1066, Pontifical, BU Méd. Montpellier H 303 | 1028 Benedictio ad crucem
155 (75v)
FR Besançon 1048-1066, Pontifical, BU Méd. Montpellier H 303 | 1028 Ad benedicendam crucem praefatio
270 (133r)
FR Besançon 1497, Missal, Missale Bisuntinum | 3346 Benedictio crucis
FR Bretagne 1300-1500, Pontifical, BAV Borgh. 35 | 979 Benedictio crucis prius aspergatur ea (sic) aqua sancta
33 (15r)
FR Cahors 0900-1000, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 01217 | 716 Benedictiones ad crucem
84 (79v)
FR Cambrai 1000-1050, Pontifical, Dombibl. Köln Cod. 0141 | 223 Benedic Domine Iesu Christe hanc crucem tuam
372 (185v)
FR Cambrai 1000-1050, Pontifical, Dombibl. Köln Cod. 0141 | 223 Ordo ad crucem benedicendam
210 (104v)
FR Cambrai 1300-1325, Missal, BNF Paris Lat. 17311 | 3288 Benedictio crucis
509 (248v)
FR Châlons-en-Champagne 1200-1250, Pontifical, BM Reims Ms. 344 | 1007 Benedictio crucis ligneae quae cooperienda est metallo
181 (169r)
FR Châlons-en-Champagne 1250-1275, Pontifical, BM Châlons-en-Champagne Ms. 45 | 2234 Benedictio crucis
275 (137r)
FR Chartres 1150-1200, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00945 | 952 Benedictio crucis
84 (76v)
FR Cluny 1100-1150, Pontifical, BNF Paris NAL 0330 | 953 Benedictio crucis
88 (78r)
FR Corbie 0972-0986, Sacramentary, Pontifical, BNF Paris lat. 12052 | 1200 Consecratio crucis
34 (29)
FR Fréjus 1200-1225, Sacramentary, BM Fréjus Ms. 1 | 2362 Incipit benedictio crucis
31 (11v)
FR Gellone 0780-0800, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 12048 | 3247 Benedictio crucis
418 (204v)
FR Grenoble 1200-1300, Pontifical, BM Grenoble Ms. 0140 (olim 499) | 2380 Benedictio novae crucis
FR Lagrasse 1075-1200, Collectary, Ritual, BNF Paris Latin 933 | 6196 Benedictio crucis
FR Langres 1524, Ritual, Manuale Lingonense | 319 Benedictio crucium in festo sanctae Crucis
104 (96v)
FR Langres 1200-1250, Pontifical, BM Troyes Ms. 2140 | 1018 Ad crucem
26 (24r)
FR Laon 1200-1250, Pontifical, BM Laon Ms. 224 | 948 Benedictio crucis
151 (147v)
FR Le Mans 1400-1500, Pontifical, BM Le Mans Ms. 132 | 1000 Praefatio ad benedicendum crucem
41 (33v)
FR Le Mans 1200-1250, Pontifical, BM Le Mans Ms. 141 | 1001 Praefatio ad benedicendam crucem
FR Le Mans (OSB) 1525-1551, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 16319 | 3280 Benedictio novae crucis
50 (19v)
FR Le Puy-en-Velay 1527, Missal, Ritual, Missale-sacramentarium Aniciense | 328 Benedictio ad cruces
FR Limoges 1301-1400, Pontifical, BM Toulouse Ms. 120 | 1012 De benedictione novae crucis
69 (60r)
FR Limoges (OSB) 1000-1050, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 00821 | 3083 Benedictio ad crucem
288 (139v)
FR Lisieux 1250-1350, Pontifical, BNF Paris NAL 3183 | 341 In consecratione crucis et crucifixi
FR Lisieux 1300-1400, Pontifical, BM Toulouse Ms. 119 | 1010 De benedictione novae crucis
FR Lodève 1324-1331, Pontifical, BM Toulouse Ms. 118 | 1009 De benedictione novae crucis
FR Lyon 1285 (after), Pontifical, BM Carpentras Ms. 96 | 949 Ad benedictionem crucis
78 (70v)
FR Lyon, Ainay 1531, Missal, Missale Athanatense | 5829 Finita missa dicat sacerdos alta voco (sic) evangelium
FR Mâcon 1532, Missal, Missale Matisconense | 360 Benedictio crucis
FR Marchiennes 1000-1200, Pontifical, BM Douai Ms. 68 | 2339 Benedictio crucis
78 (35r)
FR Mende 1409, Pontifical, BSB München Clm 10073 | 723 De benedictione novae crucis
421 (205v)
FR Metz 1713, Ritual, Rituale Metense | 388 Benedictio crucis
498 (123)
FR Metz 0826-0855, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 09428 | 385 Ad crucem benedicendam
218 (104v)
FR Metz 1458, Missal, BM Metz Ms. 0012 | 2494 Ad crucem benedicendam
701 (118r)
FR Mirepoix 1497-1537, Pontifical, BM Bordeaux Ms. 1859 (anc. 2135) | 996 Benedictio crucis
FR Nevers 1490, Missal, Missale Nivernense | 77 Benedictio crucis
449 (228r)
FR Nevers 1013-1066, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 17333 | 855 Benedictio crucis
FR Noyon 1541, Missal, Missale Noviomense | 406 Benedictio aquae panis et crucis
399 (23r)
FR Noyon 1280-1320, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 17335 | 407 Benedictio crucis
FR Noyon 1546, Ritual, Manuale Noviomense | 761 Benedictio crucis
24 (2r)
FR OCist 1200 (about), Pontifical, BM Troyes Ms. 1224 | 1016 Ad benedicendam crucem
FR OCist 1175-1200, Sacramentary, BM Reims Ms. 310 | 2619 Benedictio super crucem
199 (97r)
FR Paris 1400-1420, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00961 (1) & (2) | 729 Benedictio crucis
FR Paris 1218 (after), Pontifical, BU Méd. Montpellier H 399 | 1029 Ad benedicendas cruces istae dicuntur orationes
307 (141r)
FR Paris 1300-1350, Pontifical, BM Sens Ms. 12 | 2669 Ad benedicendos cruces dicuntur istae orationes
FR Périgueux 1430-1514, Pontifical, BM Périgueux Ms. 171 | 533 De benedictione novae crucis
148 (62v)
FR Reims 1150-1200, Pontifical, BM Reims Ms. 341 | 1004 Benedictio crucis
78 (74r)
FR Rennes 1533, Ritual, Manuale Redonense | 557 Benedictio crucis quando levatur
167 (71r)
FR Rouen 1150 (about), Pontifical, BNF Paris NAL 0306 | 514 In consecratione crucis et crucifixi
437 (211r)
FR Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire 1100-1200, Psalter, Ritual, BM Orléans Ms. 123 | 2535 Benedictio crucis
FR Saint-Malo 1503, Missal, Missale Macloviense | 86 Benedictio crucis quando levatur
FR Saint-Pol-de-Léon 1526, Missal, Missale Leonense | 6499 Benedictio novae crucis
FR Senlis 1200-1300, Pontifical, HAB Wolfenbüttel Inv.-Nr. 475 | 298 Benedictio crucis
78 (37v)
FR Senlis 1300 (before), Pontifical, SS Paris Ms. 1986 (R 9) | 951 Benedictio crucis
FR Sens 1300-1400, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00962 | 586 Ad benedicendas cruces
FR Sens 1175-1300, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00934 | 585 Benedictio crucis
FR Sens 1175-1300, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00934 | 585 Benedictio crucis
266 (129v)
FR Sens 1301-1400, Pontifical, BM Arras Ms. 986 | 994 Ad benedicendas cruces
111 (162r)
FR Sens 1575, Missal, Missale Senonense | 821 Benedictiones diversae
844 (32v)
FR Sens 1223-1500, Missal, BM Provins Ms. 011 | 2555 Benedictio crucis
303 (148v)
FR Soissons 1100-1200, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 17334 | 595 -
FR St-Bertin 1150-1200, Missal, BM St. Omer Ms. 089 | 2684 Praefatio ad crucem benedicendam
292 (143v)
FR Strasbourg 1475 (after), Pontifical, BM Cambrai Ms. 224 (214) | 982 Benedictio crucis novae
31 (18r)
FR Tarentaise 1246-1271, Pontifical, Bibl. Cap. Aosta Ms. 15 | 1671 Benedictio crucis ecclesiasticae
FR Toul 1420, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 12079 | 621 Benedictio crucis novae
FR Toulouse 1377-1390, Pontifical, BM Lunel Ms. 12 | 624 De benedictione novae crucis seu tabulae in qua crucifixus est depictus
408 (197r)
FR Valence 1504, Missal, Missale Valentinense | 664 Benedictiones communes
368 (172r)
FR Valence 1100-1125, Pontifical, BAV Ottobon. lat. 256 | 924 Benedictio crucis novae
80 (78v)
FR Vannes 1559-1566, Pontifical, BM Vannes Ms. 2 | 1021 De benedictione novae crucis
54 (47r)
FR Verdun 1554, Ritual, Manuale Virdunense | 776 Benedictio crucis
182 (167r)
GB Bangor 1309-1328, Pontifical, Univ. Arch. Bangor Ms. 1 | 195 In consecratione sanctae crucis
152 (152v)
GB Canterbury 1150-1200, Pontifical, Magdalen Oxford Ms. 226 | 225 In consecratione sanctae crucis
186 (140)
GB Durham 1000 (before), Ritual, Durham Cathedral A. IV. 19. | 279 Antiphona et oratio ad crucem
177 (149)
GB England 0900-1000, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 10575 | 246 Consecratio crucis
GB England 1000-1100, Pontifical, BL London Cotton Ms. Otho A. III | 1982 Dehinc benedictio crucis
GB England (South) 1000 (about), Pontifical, BL London Add. Ms. 57337 | 1884 Incipit consecratio crucis
142 (65r)
GB London 1400 (about), Pontifical, BL London Lansdowne Ms. 451 | 933 In consecratione sanctae crucis
GB Salisbury 1150-1325 (about), Missal, | 563 Benedictio vestis crucis
489 (453)
GB Sherborne 0900-1000, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00943 | 737 Incipit consecratio crucis
158 (75v)
GB St. Andrews 1239-1253, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 01218 | 602 In consecratione sanctae crucis
GB Wells 1050-1100, Sacramentary, BL London Cotton Ms. Vitellius A XVIII | 1919 Benedictio crucis quae prius sancta aqua abluenda est
480 (237v)
GB Worcester 1000-1025, Pontifical, BL London Cotton Ms. Claudius A III | 1904 Benedictio crucis
147 (68v)
GB York 1508-1514, Pontifical, Cambridge UL Ff.6.1 | 690 Benedictio crucis
391 (338)
HR Dalmacija 1400-1500, Ritual, BAV Barb. lat. 412 | 1130 Benedictio crucis
HR Dubrovnik 1200-1400, Pontifical, BAV Borgh. 14 | 1131 Benedictio novae crucis
54 (24v)
HR Dubrovnik 1200-1400, Pontifical, BAV Borgh. 14 | 1131 Benedictio crucis quando aliquis vult ire ultra mare
294 (144v)
HR Zagreb 1200 (about), Pontifical, Knj. Metrop. Zagreb MR 124 | 918 Benedictio crucis
50 (25r)
HU Esztergom 1625, Ritual, Rituale Strigoniense | 265 Benedictio novae crucis
189 (191)
HU Győr 1731, Ritual, Rituale Iaurinense | 911 Benedictio novae crucis
177 (175)
HU Veszprém 1772, Ritual, Rituale Vespremiense | 910 Benedictio novae crucis
214 (199)
IT Aosta 1000-1900, Ritual, Rituale Augustanum | 163 Benedictio crucis
324 (117)
IT Aquileia 1049-1063, Pontifical, UB Salzburg Ms. M. II. 123 | 888 Benedictio crucis
201 (100r)
IT Bergamo 1451-1455, Pontifical, BAV Vat. lat. 01145 | 1562 De benedictione novae crucis
IT Brescia 1190-1210, Sacramentary, Bibl. Cap. Toledo 39.3 | 1149 Dando crucem
153 (162r)
IT Cassino 1057-1086, Pontifical, BAV Barb. lat. 631 | 229 Benedictio crucis novae
IT Chieti 0950-1000, Pontifical, BAV Vat. lat. 07701 | 928 Benedictio crucis
33 (32r)
IT Chieti 1100-1125, Pontifical, BAV Vat. lat. 7818 | 1153 Benedictio crucis novae
98 (78)
IT Firenze 1000-1025, Sacramentary, Pontifical, Laurenziana Firenze Ms. Aedil. 122 | 900 Benedictio crucis novae
IT Italia 1200-1250, Pontifical, BN Napoli Ms. VI G 22 (VII F 24) | 374 Benedictio crucis
106 (91v)
IT Italia 1200-1250, Pontifical, BN Napoli Ms. VI G 22 (VII F 24) | 374 Benedictio crucis
106 (91v)
IT Italy (North) 0830-0870, Sacramentary, Bibl. Cap. Padova Ms. D. 47 | 6612 Benedictio crucis
IT Messina 1200-1300, Pontifical, BNE Madrid Ms. 00678 | 384 Benedictio crucis
112 (110r)
IT Messina 1300-1500, Pontifical, BNE Madrid Ms. 00715 | 383 Benedictio novae crucis
112 (104v)
IT Messina 1300-1500, Pontifical, BNE Madrid Ms. 00715 | 991 Benedictio novae crucis
112 (104v)
IT Milano 1000-1100, Ritual, Ambrosiana Milano | 392 Benedictio crucis
66 (31)
IT Milano 1499, Missal, Missale Ambrosianum | 390 Sequitur benedictio crucis
160 (68v)
IT Milano 1050-1100, Pontifical, BAV Vat. lat. 13151 | 925 Praefatio ad crucem consecrandam
IT Modena 1000-1100, Mass Lectionary, Sacramentary, Bibl. Cap. Modena O I 20 | 1159 Benedictio crucis
468 (228v)
IT Modena 1000-1100, Mass Lectionary, Sacramentary, Bibl. Cap. Modena O II 13 | 1163 Benedictio crucis
441 (194r)
IT Monreale 1200-1300, Pontifical, BAV Vat. lat. 06748 | 927 Benedictio crucis
46 (42v)
IT Nonantola 1100-1150, Pontifical, BL London Harley Ms. 2906 | 932 Ad crucem benedicendam
IT OCD 1616, Ritual, Manuale Romano-Carmelitanum | 417 Benedictio novae crucis
100 (88)
IT Piacenza 1150-1200, Pontifical, Bibl. Arch. Cap. Piacenza Ms. 4 | 930 Benedictio crucis novae
IT Piacenza 1150-1200, Pontifical, Bibl. Arch. Cap. Piacenza Ms. 4 | 930 Da quaesumus clementissime Pater
IT Roma 1554, Ritual, Sacerdotale Romanum | 502 Benedictio crucis
468 (224r)
IT Roma 1101-1200, Pontifical, BM St. Omer Ms. 98 | 1008 Praefatio ad crucem benedicendam
42 (37r)
IT Roma 1401-1600, Pontifical, BM Toulouse Ms. 123 | 1015 De benedictione novae crucis
15 (11r)
IT Roma 1595, Pontifical, Pontificale Romanum | 1194 De benedictione novae crucis
503 (498)
IT Roma 1614, Ritual, Rituale Romanum | 1195 Benedictio novae crucis
IT Siracusa 1200-1400, Pontifical, BAV Vat. lat. 04746 | 926 Benedictio crucis
30 (29r)
IT Sora 1200-1225, Pontifical, BAV Borgh. 49 | 980 Benedictio crucis novae
152 (74r)
IT Subiaco 1000-1025, Missal, BAV Vat. lat. 04770 | 1584 Benedictio sanctae crucis
459 (228r)
IT Troia 1300-1350, Pontifical, BN Napoli Ms. VI G 24 | 640 Benedictio novae crucis
IT Vercelli 1275-1300, Sacramentary, Bibl. Arch. Cap. Vercelli Ms. LXVIII | 1141 Benedictio crucis
ME Kotor 1166, Mass Lectionary, Pontifical, BRAN St. Petersburg F. no. 200 | 958 Benedictio crucis
211 (87r)
NL Utrecht 1450 (about), Pontifical, UB Utrecht Hs. 400 | 989 De benedictione novae crucis
208 (100v)
PL Kraków 1400-1450, Pontifical, Kap. Katedr. Kraków Ms. 11 (28) | 313 Benedictio crucis primo fiat benedictio salis et aquae postea litania
PL Kraków 1423-1455, Pontifical, Kap. Katedr. Kraków Ms. 12. | 316 De benedictione novae crucis vel tabulae in qua crucifixus est depictus
314 (47)
PL Kraków 1488-1503, Pontifical, Kap. Katedr. Kraków Ms. 14 | 1144 De benedictione novae crucis vel tabulae in qua crucifixus est depictus
PL Kraków 1455-1460, Pontifical, Kap. Katedr. Kraków Ms. 13 | 1143 De benedictione novae crucis vel tabulae in qua crucifixus est depictus
PL Kraków 1000-1100, Pontifical, Jagiell. Kraków Ms. 2057 | 1203 Benedictio crucis metallizatae
90 (119)
PL Płock 1175-1225, Pontifical, Sem. Plock Mspł. 29 (olim: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 28938) | 536 Benedictio crucis
PT Braga 1200-1300, Pontifical, BN Lisboa Ms. Alcobaça 162 | 912 Benedictio crucis
38 (32v)
PT Braga 1200 (about), Pontifical, Bibl. Públ. Porto Ms. 1134 (Santa Cruz 83) | 1027 Benedictio crucis
168 (84v)
PT Coimbra 1150-1200, Pontifical, Bibl. Públ. Porto Ms. 0353 (Santa Cruz 59) | 1026 Benedictio crucis
84 (40v)
SE Lund 1450-1500, Pontifical, UB Uppsala C 441 | 935 Ad crucem benedicendam praefatio
168 (81v)
UA Halicz 1375-1400, Pontifical, BN Warszawa Ms. Bawor. 5, tit. XXIII | 955 De benedictione novae crucis seu tabulae in qua crucifixus est depictus
308 (148r)

See also