catechumenum faciendum, baptism*, baptiz*, catechiz*, infant*, catechumen*, benedictio fontis, ordo baptisterii, scrutinii, auri* apertio
Baptism and its preparatory rites: blessing of water, (in certain cases) of the baptismal font, introductory scrutinies (apertio aurium). Emergency and conditional Baptisms. Generally not separately indexed within the rites of the Easter Vigil.
de sacramento Eucharistiae, Eucharistiae sacrament*, Eucharistia, corpus Christi, communion*, communica*, sanos
Reception of Holy Communion by the congregation (e.g. at Easter). First Communion (a very short ordo inbetween Baptism and Confirmation) is usually not indexed.
communion of the sick
communicandum infirmum, communione infirmorum, infirmis, Eucharistia*, corpus Christi, viaticum
Administering Holy Communion to the sick or dying.
confit*, confess*, absolutio*, absolv*
Sacrament of Confession, formulas for confession and absolution, instructions for penitents and priests.
confirm*, consignand*, signandos, chrismandis, consecrandos pueros, consecrationem infantium, consecratio chrismalis
Sacrament of Confirmation, often only a short supplement at the end of the baptismal rites.
exodiastic rites
visitandum, infirm*, mortuorum, inunguendum, unguendum, extrema* unction*, unguantur, extrema*, commendatio*, anima*, recommendatio, defunct*, morien*, exsequi*, sepultura*, depositione, sepeliend*, agone
Rites concerning one's departure (exodus) from this earthly life, borrowed from the inclusive French term "les rites exodiastiques". The category includes the visitation and communion of the sick, anointing the sick, commendation of the soul, agony, expiration, keeping vigil by the deathbed, burial.
communion of the sick
communicandum infirmum, communione infirmorum, infirmis, Eucharistia*, corpus Christi, viaticum
Administering Holy Communion to the sick or dying.
sponsalia, de sacramento matrimonii (Spain), benedictio sponsi et sponsae, sponsum et sponsam, sponsalium, matrimoni*, sponsa*, nuptiis, nuptia*, nubent*, benedictio anuli (cf. bishop, virgin, nun), modus copulandi (Poland), desponsa*, benedictio arrarum, coniugibus, coniunctionis, nubere, copulam, thalami, lecti, inthronizatio (Rhineland).
The rite of Matrimony, Nuptial Mass, often with the Proper for the feast of Holy Trinity and often with a Mass Ordinary, the blessing of the nuptial chamber or bed, introduction of a new wife into the church, instructional and legal texts.
Clericum faciendum, sacr* ordin*, capillos tonendos, faciendum clericum, ordinand*, cleric* faciend*, septem (ecclesiastic*) grad*, ordinatio*, ordinibus, ordines, "Accedant qui ordinandi sunt", ecclesiastici
The Sacrament of Holy Orders by several degrees: institution of a porter (ostiarius), lector, exorcist, acolyte, and subdeacon; ordination of a deacon, priest (presbyter), and bishop. Beforehand: tonsure, institution of a cleric or a cantor.
barbam, barbas
Trimming of beards, a part of clerical tonsure.
episcopum, episcopi, episcoporum, episcopo, pontificis
Consecration of a bishop.
clericum faciendum, clericis faciendis, clerico faciendo
The making of a cleric. Generally not separately indexed within ordinations.
degradation and restitution
degradatione, degradationis, degradantur, reconciliandi, reconciliationis, reconciliari
Degradation and restitution of clerics from or into their prior state.
Romanus pontifex
Inauguration and blessing (coronation) of a newly elected pope.
capillaturam, capillarum, capillos tonendos, tonsuram
A sacred rite (but not an ordination) instituted by the Church to receive a baptized and confirmed Christian into the clerical state by the shearing of his hair and his investment with the cassock and surplice.