Texts in Gradual

Full Propers from Missals of more than 200 different traditions, periodically enlarged and updated in the second phase of the Missalia Project.

UsuID Genres Incipit References Frequency
USU001152 Gr Felix mater et sancta es Anna 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001193 Gr Ingressus est Raphael archangelus 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001216 Gr Luce splendida 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001224 Gr Mirabilis potentia Domini 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001242 Gr Non sunt loquelae 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001268 Gr Ora pro gente 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001315 Gr Radix Iesse 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001334 Gr Sanctus Dei germinavit Antonius 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001353 Gr Te sanctum non fecit unda 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001379 Gr Veritas de terra orta est 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU000971 Gr A finibus terrae 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU000977 Gr Adducentur regi 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU000991 Gr Anna vero sic lamentante 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001018 Gr Benedicta tu diceris 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001074 Gr Deus qui das vindictam mihi 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001076 Gr Diadema spineum 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001083 Gr Dixerunt discipuli ad beatum Martinum CI g04394 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001085 Gr Dixit Dominus Domino meo 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001088 Gr Dominator Domine 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001092 Gr Domine in virtute tua CI g02281 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001110 Gr Ecce venit cum festinatione 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001122 Gr Egredimini filiae CI g04339 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001128 Gr Emissiones nominis Mariae 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001164 Gr Genus duxit Ioseph 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001177 Gr Honor noster Honoratus 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001225 Gr Mirandae propagines 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001251 Gr O Deus aeterne tutor 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001254 Gr O per omnia 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001303 Gr Quam dilecta CI g01403 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001305 Gr Qui Lazarum resuscitasti CI g03134 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001324 Gr Rogabat Iesum quidam pharisaeus 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU001340 Gr Si quaeris miracula 3 (low, 4pcm) research
USU000974 Gr Ad convivas cur intrasti 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU000981 Gr Adiuva sancte tuos CI g02818 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU000992 Gr Apparuit angelus 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001016 Gr Benedicta quae astitisti Cruci 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001019 Gr Benedicta tu inter mulieres 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001020 Gr Benedictus Deus die cottidie 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001034 Gr Christus peccata purgavit 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001041 Gr Confluunt ad Crucem 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001042 Gr Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis Dominum 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001052 Gr Cor meum conturbatum est 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001055 Gr Coronavit regem 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001056 Gr Credidit omnis mulitudo 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001066 Gr Da nobis auxilium CI g01865 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001084 Gr Dixit angelus ad beatum Ioachim 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001099 Gr Dominus susceptor 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001101 Gr Dum montis cacumine 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001107 Gr Ecce magnum pontificem Hilarium 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001117 Gr Ego plorans 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001121 Gr Egredietur virga CI g00429 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001127 Gr Elias homo erat similis nobis 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001130 Gr Erat tunc temporis 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001132 Gr Eripe me de luto 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001149 Gr Factus est Dominus protector meus 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001153 Gr Filiae regum 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001154 Gr Flagellate Iesu pie 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001159 Gr Gabriel sanctissime 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001171 Gr Haec puellarum milia 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001172 Gr Hanc in sanguine invenimus 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001186 Gr In Maria benignitas 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001194 Gr Initium sapientiae 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001063 Gr Innotatum virginum de clade 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001196 Gr Intravit in eremum 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001203 Gr Iustus germinabit 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001212 Gr Lex veritatis fuit in corde ipsius 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001219 Gr Magnus sacerdos Nicasius 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001241 Gr Non recedet memoria 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001243 Gr Non tardabit Dominus 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001246 Gr Novit Dominus 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001247 Gr Nunc dimittis 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001253 Gr O generosa Barbara 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001258 Gr O spelunca dignissima 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001260 Gr Obsecro mi Domine 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001264 Gr Omnes gentes CI g01806 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001279 Gr Percussit Iob 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001299 Gr Propter veritatem Christus condemnatur 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001312 Gr Quoniam quem tu percussisti 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001325 Gr Rogate quae ad pacem sunt CI g01529 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001328 Gr Salvabo vos ex universis inquinamentis 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001347 Gr Stetit angelus 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001352 Gr Te laudant angeli 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001355 Gr Tempore papae Liberii CI g02376 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001367 Gr Tu es Sara fecundata 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001382 Gr Vidi Filium meum 2 (low, 2pcm) research
USU001385 Gr Vivit Dominus 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU000980 Gr Adiutor meus tibi psallam 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU000984 Gr Amicus meus osculi me tradidit signo 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU000986 Gr Angelus autem Domini descendit ad beatum Blasium 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU000988 Gr Angelus Michael descendit de caelo 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU000995 Gr Astitit regina 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU000996 Gr Attendite popule meus 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU000998 Gr Audivi vocem 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001001 Gr Beata Eulalia 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001003 Gr Beata Martha 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001005 Gr Beatus Desiderius 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001006 Gr Beatus homo 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001012 Gr Benedicite gentes 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001014 Gr Benedicta et venerabilis es Virgo Maria quae gravitate doloris 1 (unique, 1pcm) research
USU001023 Gr Benedictus et venerabilis es virgo Ioseph 1 (unique, 1pcm) research