Texts in Gradual

Full Propers from Missals of more than 200 different traditions, periodically enlarged and updated in the second phase of the Missalia Project.

UsuID Genres Incipit References Frequency
USU001175 Gr Hodie scietis CI g00536 231 (extreme, 344pcm) research
USU001215 Gr Locus iste CI g01402 232 (extreme, 346pcm) research
USU001156 Gr Fuit homo CI g00237 228 (extreme, 340pcm) research
USU001141 Gr Excita Domine CI g00521 228 (extreme, 340pcm) research
USU001073 Gr Deus exaudi orationem meam CI g00810 228 (extreme, 340pcm) research
USU001351 Gr Suscepimus Deus CI g00073 215 (high, 320pcm) research
USU001138 Gr Exaltent eum in ecclesia plebis CI g00027 186 (high, 277pcm) research
USU001038 Gr Concupivit rex CI g01391 177 (high, 264pcm) research
USU001182 Gr Improperium exspectavit CI g01470 152 (high, 226pcm) research
USU001040 Gr Confitebuntur caeli CI g00223 128 (medium, 191pcm) research
USU001300 Gr Propter veritatem et mansuetudinem CI g00412 102 (medium, 152pcm) research
USU001228 Gr Miserere mihi Domine quoniam infirmus sum CI g00764 89 (medium, 132pcm) research
USU001047 Gr Constituit Deus Pater ad dexteram suam Iesum Christum 83 (medium, 123pcm) research
USU001222 Gr Media nocte CI g02355 62 (low, 92pcm) research
USU001116 Gr Ego effudi flumina 61 (low, 91pcm) research
USU001292 Gr Pretiosa in conspectu Domini CI g02741 66 (low, 98pcm) research
USU001359 Gr Tibi sancto Rocho 50 (low, 74pcm) research
USU001015 Gr Benedicta et venerabilis es Virgo Maria quae sine tactu pudoris CI g01409 50 (low, 74pcm) research
USU001269 Gr Ora pro nobis beate Martine CI g02315 43 (low, 64pcm) research
USU001257 Gr O sancte Sebastiane Christi athleta 43 (low, 64pcm) research
USU001294 Gr Proba me Domine CI g02164 37 (low, 55pcm) research
USU001028 Gr Cantate Domino et benedicite nomen eius CI g02701 39 (low, 58pcm) research
USU001067 Gr De necessitatibus meis CI g02729 36 (low, 53pcm) research
USU001131 Gr Eripe me de inimicis meis CI g00801 35 (low, 52pcm) research
USU000970 Gr A Christo de caelo CI g02599 29 (low, 43pcm) research
USU001302 Gr Qualis est dilecta 32 (low, 47pcm) research
USU001054 Gr Corona aurea CI g01627 32 (low, 47pcm) research
USU001373 Gr Uxor tua CI g01502 28 (low, 41pcm) research
USU001357 Gr Thronus eius sicut sol 30 (low, 44pcm) research
USU000989 Gr Angelus Raphael apprehendit et ligavit daemonem CI g00453 24 (low, 35pcm) research
USU001368 Gr Tu es spes mea 21 (low, 31pcm) research
USU001266 Gr Omnes inimici mei 20 (low, 29pcm) research
USU001017 Gr Benedicta sit sancta alma 16 (low, 23pcm) research
USU001111 Gr Ecce Virgo concepit et absque dolore peperit 18 (low, 26pcm) research
USU001332 Gr Sancte Ivo qui mortuos suscitas 18 (low, 26pcm) research
USU001226 Gr Miserere mei Deus miserere mei quoniam in te confidit CI g00663 16 (low, 23pcm) research
USU001236 Gr Nisi manducaveritis CI g02272 15 (low, 22pcm) research
USU001345 Gr Spiritus Sanctus superveniet 14 (low, 20pcm) research
USU001298 Gr Proprio Filio CI g02808 14 (low, 20pcm) research
USU001208 Gr Laetetur mons Sion 14 (low, 20pcm) research
USU001217 Gr Lugens pie defunctum 14 (low, 20pcm) research
USU001238 Gr Non est nostrae paupertatis 14 (low, 20pcm) research
USU001057 Gr Cum audisset Iob nuntiorum verba 12 (low, 17pcm) research
USU001195 Gr Insurrexerunt in me 13 (low, 19pcm) research
USU001000 Gr Ave aeterna lucifera 12 (low, 17pcm) research
USU001035 Gr Christus vulneratus CI g03093 12 (low, 17pcm) research
USU001278 Gr Percussa gladio 11 (low, 16pcm) research
USU001282 Gr Plorans ploravit 12 (low, 17pcm) research
USU001288 Gr Praecinite Domino 11 (low, 16pcm) research
USU001310 Gr Quis est iste qui venit 12 (low, 17pcm) research
USU001087 Gr Dolorosa et lacrimabilis CI g00379 10 (low, 14pcm) research
USU001255 Gr O pia sponsa Dei 11 (low, 16pcm) research
USU001091 Gr Domine in quo est potentia 9 (low, 13pcm) research
USU001139 Gr Exaudi me Domine quoniam benigna est 10 (low, 14pcm) research
USU001245 Gr Novellae plantationes 8 (low, 11pcm) research
USU001319 Gr Repletus Sancto Spiritu CI g03325 9 (low, 13pcm) research
USU001050 Gr Convertere anima mea CI g02821 8 (low, 11pcm) research
USU001093 Gr Domine non est tibi curae 8 (low, 11pcm) research
USU001140 Gr Exaudiat nos Dominus in tempore tribulationis 8 (low, 11pcm) research
USU001160 Gr Gaude mater 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU001072 Gr INCORRECT GENRE [Tr] 6 (low, 8pcm) research
USU001248 Gr Nunc scio vere 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU001259 Gr O vos omnes 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU000999 Gr Aut ego indigna 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU001045 Gr Concilium malignantium 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU001202 Gr Iustus es Domine CI g03102 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU001267 Gr Omnes videntes me CI g02534 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU001289 Gr Praeco fulgens splendore 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU001321 Gr Requirentes locum CI 505004 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU001326 Gr Rore caelestis gratiae 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU001329 Gr Salvator mundi CI g04391 7 (low, 10pcm) research
USU000983 Gr Afferte Domino patriae gentium 5 (low, 7pcm) research
USU000994 Gr Aspiciam vos 6 (low, 8pcm) research
USU001068 Gr De profundis 6 (low, 8pcm) research
USU001136 Gr Exaltabimus nomen tuum 6 (low, 8pcm) research
USU001231 Gr Missus est Gabriel 6 (low, 8pcm) research
USU001232 Gr Mulier sapiens sindonem fecit 6 (low, 8pcm) research
USU001304 Gr Qui confidunt in Domino CI g03378 6 (low, 8pcm) research
USU001316 Gr Recordare captivatum 6 (low, 8pcm) research
USU001339 Gr Si enim credimus CI g02824 6 (low, 8pcm) research
USU001007 Gr Beatus qui intelligit 5 (low, 7pcm) research
USU001071 Gr Descendet de caelo 5 (low, 7pcm) research
USU001143 Gr Exquisivi Dominum 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001173 Gr Herodes enim tenuit 5 (low, 7pcm) research
USU001174 Gr Hoc enim petii 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001206 Gr Laboravi clamans 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001281 Gr Plebs tua laetetur 5 (low, 7pcm) research
USU001318 Gr Remansit puer Iesus in Ierusalem 5 (low, 7pcm) research
USU001341 Gr Sicut ovis ad occisionem ductus est 5 (low, 7pcm) research
USU001346 Gr Statuit ei 5 (low, 7pcm) research
USU000976 Gr Ad te Domine levavi animam meam 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU000993 Gr Ascendit Ioseph a Galilaea 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001010 Gr Benedicamus Patri 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001013 Gr Benedicta et venerabilis es Anna beata 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001029 Gr Cantate Domino canticum novum 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001030 Gr Caro mea vere est cibus CI g02538 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001032 Gr Christus annuntiatus 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001058 Gr Cum esset desponsata 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001120 Gr Ego sum Raphael 4 (low, 5pcm) research
USU001148 Gr Factum est ut audivit salutationem Mariae Elisabeth 4 (low, 5pcm) research