
Latin Keywords vasa (nova), vasorum, antiquo loco reperta
Short Description The blessing of non-sacral (non-liturgical) vessels, often of an archeological article.


Book Original Index Title P.N
AT St. Florian 1100-1200, Ritual, | 6508 Benedictio vasorum veterum
CH Basel 1462-1463 (about), Pontifical, Bibl. Cant. Porrentruy Ms. 02 | 1660 Oratio super vasa in antiquo loco reperta
DE Corvey 0875-0900, Sacramentary, ULB Düsseldorf Cod. D 1 | 6629 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
DE Corvey 0875-0900, Sacramentary, ULB Düsseldorf Cod. D 1 | 6629 Benedictio quorumlibet vasorum
DE Essen 0950-1000, Sacramentary, ULB Düsseldorf MS-D-02 | 5242 Omnipotens sempiterne Deus ... haec vascula ante fabricata arte gentilium
DE Hildesheim 1067 (about), Pontifical, StaBi Bamberg Msc. Lit. 054 | 899 Benedictio super vascula in antiquis locis reperta
224 (110r)
DE Kornelimünster 0810-0815, Sacramentary, Sacramentarium Hadrianum cum Supplemento | 1179 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
DE Mainz (OSB) 0950 (about), Sacramentary, ÖNB Wien Cod. 1888 (olim: Theol. 685) | 4581 Oratio super vasa reperta in locis antiquis
DE Regensburg 1060-1089, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 01231 | 552 Benedictio vasorum quorumlibet
DE Regensburg 0993-0994, Sacramentary, Bibl. Cap. Verona LXXXVI | 1038 Oratio in domo vasorum
DE Regensburg 0993-0994, Sacramentary, Bibl. Cap. Verona LXXXVI | 1038 Oratio super vasa reperta in locis antiquis
DE Regensburg 0824-0827, Ordines Romani, BSB München Clm 14510 | 901 Oratio super vasa reperta in locis antiquis
90 (74v)
DE Reichenau 0962-0967, Sacramentary, BNC Firenze Banco Rari 231 | 2975 Benedictio vasorum
DE Wessobrunn 1120 (about), Collectary, Ritual, BSB München Clm 22039 | 3510 Benedictio vasorum inventorum
372 (184v)
DE Worms 0975-1000, Pontifical, BM Troyes Ms. 2141 | 1019 Benedictio super vascula in antiquis locis reperta
ES Silos 1150-1200, Missal, BU Salamanca Ms. 2637 | 3715 Super vasa in loco antiquo
ES Spain 0400-1200, Pontifical, Liber ordinum | 1180 Item alia oratio pro vasis altaris vel vestimentis et velis exorcizandis et sacrandis
ES Spain 0400-1200, Pontifical, Liber ordinum | 1180 Benedictio de vaso
ES Toledo 1375-1400, Pontifical, Bibl. Cap. Toledo Ms. 37.14 | 617 Benedictio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta quae prius laventur
FR Angers, Saint Aubin 0975-1025, Sacramentary, Sacramentarium Sancti Albini Andegavensis | 2047 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
FR Aurillac 1050-1100, Antiphonal, Collectary, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00944 | 913 Super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
21 (16r)
FR Chartres 1150-1200, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00945 | 952 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
191 (178v)
FR Corbie 0972-0986, Sacramentary, Pontifical, BNF Paris lat. 12052 | 1200 Oratio super vas in loco antiquo repertum
67 (62)
FR Corbie 0853 (about), Gradual, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 12050 | 3248 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
296 (146v)
FR Corbie 1000-1100, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 09432 | 3212 Oratio super vasa in loco (sic) reperta
287 (141v)
FR Gellone 0780-0800, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 12048 | 3247 Oratio super vasa reperta in locis antiquis
485 (238r)
FR Le Mans 0850-0900, Sacramentary, BM Le Mans Ms. 077 | 2417 Orationes super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
326 (160v)
FR Paris 0800-1000, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 02291 | 3179 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
350 (172v)
FR Périgueux 1000-1100, Missal, | 6509 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
FR Poitiers 0700-0750, Sacramentary, BAV Reg. lat. 0257 | 960 Praefatio chrismalis
179 (87r)
FR Reims 0900-1000, Sacramentary, BM Reims Ms. 214 | 2571 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
339 (165r)
FR Reims 0900-1000, Sacramentary, BM Reims Ms. 214 | 2571 Oratio super vasa reperta in locis antiquis
349 (170r)
FR Senlis 0880 (about), Gradual, Sacramentary, BSG Paris Ms. 0111 | 3682 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
FR Tarentaise 1100 (about), Missal, Bibl. Genève Ms. lat. 028 | 1790 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
244 (118v)
FR Tours 1000-1100, Missal, BNF Paris Lat. 09434 | 627 Benedictio super vasa in loco (sic) reperta
FR Tours, Marmoutier 0830-0870, Sacramentary, BM Autun Ms. 019 (19bis) | 2077 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
274 (135v)
GB Durham 1000 (before), Ritual, Durham Cathedral A. IV. 19. | 279 Benedictio super vasa reperta in locis antiquis
125 (97)
GB Sherborne 0900-1000, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00943 | 737 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
203 (98r)
GB Winchester 1000-1025, Missal, BM Rouen Ms. 274 (Y. 6) | 2649 Oratio super vasa in locis antiquis reperta
GB Winchester 1061 (about), Ritual, Corpus Christi Cambridge Ms. 422 | 3900 Oratio super vasa
GB York 1508-1514, Pontifical, Cambridge UL Ff.6.1 | 690 Benedictio super vasa in antiquo loco reperta
391 (338)
HU Esztergom 1490 (after), Ritual, Obsequiale Strigoniense | 252 Benedictio ad vasa nova
44 (41v)
IT Ivrea 0969-1014, Sacramentary, Bibl. Cap. Ivrea Ms. 31 (222 fol.) | 1702 Oratio super vasa in loco antiquo reperta
IT Roma 1554, Ritual, Sacerdotale Romanum | 502 De benedictione ad vasa nova
462 (221r)
IT Vallombrosa 1503, Missal, Missale Vallis Umbrosae | 5835 De benedictione sacrorum vasorum
PL Kraków 1400-1450, Pontifical, Kap. Katedr. Kraków Ms. 11 (28) | 313 Benedictio super vasa in antiquo loco reperta
PL Płock 1175-1225, Pontifical, Sem. Plock Mspł. 29 (olim: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 28938) | 536 Benedictio super vasa in antiquo loco reperta
254 (125r)

See also