
Latin Keywords regina, reginam, reginae
Short Description The coronation, and blessing of a queen, usually at the end of the coronation of a king.


Book Original Index Title P.N
AT Austria 1150 (about), Pontifical, CRSA Klosterneuburg Ms. 0622 | 712 Benedictio reginae
AT Austria 1265 (before), Pontifical, CRSA Klosterneuburg Ms. 1020 | 713 Benedictio reginae
AT Salzburg 1000-1050, Pontifical, BM Vendôme Ms. 14 | 1022 Benedictio reginae in ingressu ecclesiae
CH Basel 1462-1463 (about), Pontifical, Bibl. Cant. Porrentruy Ms. 02 | 1660 Ad reginam benedicendam
CZ Litomyšl 1376, Pontifical, OPraem Praha DG I 19 | 343 Si vero regina benedicitur et coronatur
341 (168v)
DE Augsburg 1138-1142, Pontifical, BSB München Clm 03909 | 914 Benedictio reginae
236 (117r)
DE Freising 1005-1039, Pontifical, BSB München Clm 21587 | 287 Benedictio reginae in introitu ecclesiae
168 (79v)
DE Helmarshausen 1152-1158, Pontifical, Landesarch. Münster Msc. I nr. 133 | 4209 Benedictio reginae
DE Hildesheim 1067 (about), Pontifical, StaBi Bamberg Msc. Lit. 054 | 899 Ordinatio reginae
130 (63r)
DE Lüneburg 1100-1150, Pontifical, HAB Wolfenbüttel Cod. Guelf. 0141 Helmst., Heinemann-Nr. 164 | 349 Incipit benedictio reginae. Haec dicatur oratio in ingressu ecclesiae
127 (62r)
DE Michelsberg 1189 (about), Pontifical, StaBi Bamberg Msc.Lit.055 | 4884 Incipit benedictio reginae
DE Passau 1150-1200, Pontifical, ÖNB Wien Cod. 1817 Han | 885 Benedictio reginae in ingressu ecclesiae
367 (183r)
DE Trier 1100-1200, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 13315 | 639 Post pergant ad mensam ad reginam benedicendam
DE Verden (Aller) 1039-1046, Pontifical, StaBi Bamberg Msc. Lit. 059 | 699 Benedictio reginae
180 (89v)
ES Huesca 1275-1300, Pontifical, Arch. Catedral Huesca Ms. 10 (9) | 970 Terciadecima de benedictione reginae. Incipit benedictio reginae
68 (66r)
ES Huesca 1275-1300, Pontifical, Arch. Catedral Huesca Ms. 10 (9) | 970 Tertia decima de benedictione reginae
68 (66r)
FR Auxerre 1300-1325, Pontifical, BM Auxerre Ms. 053 | 946 Incipit officium in coronatione reginae
FR Avranches 1100-1200, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 14832 | 714 Incipit consecratio reginae
FR Besançon 1000-1100, Pontifical, HAB Wolfenbüttel Cod. Guelf. 0015 Weissenburg (Cat. lat. 4099) | 916 Incipit benedictio reginae
FR Besançon 1048-1066, Pontifical, BU Méd. Montpellier H 303 | 1028 Incipit benedictio reginae in ingressu ecclesiae
348 (172r)
FR Cambrai 1000-1050, Pontifical, Dombibl. Köln Cod. 0141 | 223 Ordo ad benedicendam reginam
338 (168v)
FR Chartres 1150-1200, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00945 | 952 Ad reginam benedicendam
FR Corbie 0972-0986, Sacramentary, Pontifical, BNF Paris lat. 12052 | 1200 Item ad reginam benedicendam
60 (55)
FR Fréjus 1371-1378, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 09479 | 718 De benedictione et coronatione reginae
FR Fréjus 1371-1378, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 09479 | 718 Incipit ordo ad reginam benedicendam
219 (213r)
FR Langres 1200-1250, Pontifical, BM Troyes Ms. 2140 | 1018 Incipit consecratio reginae
115 (113r)
FR Langres 1150-1200, Benedictional, Pontifical, BNF Paris NAL 331 | 3339 Benedictio reginae
FR Lodève 1324-1331, Pontifical, BM Toulouse Ms. 118 | 1009 Ordo Romanus ad benedicendum regem vel reginam imperatorem vel imperatricem coronandos
123 (58r)
FR Lodève 1324-1331, Pontifical, BM Toulouse Ms. 118 | 1009 De benedictione et coronatione aliorum regum et reginarum
FR Lyon 1285 (after), Pontifical, BM Carpentras Ms. 96 | 949 Benedictio reginae
FR Meaux 1282 (before), Pontifical, BNF Paris NAL 1202 | 954 Ordo ad reginam benedicendam
148 (140v)
FR Mende 1409, Pontifical, BSB München Clm 10073 | 723 Ordo Romanus ad benedicendum regem vel reginam imperatorem vel imperatricem coronandos
210 (100v)
FR Metz 1200-1300, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 01223 | 387 Ad reginam benedicendam
FR Nevers 1013-1066, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 17333 | 401 Incipit ordo ad ordinandam reginam
FR Nevers 1013-1066, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 17333 | 855 Incipit ordo ad ordinandam reginam
FR Noyon 1280-1320, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 17335 | 407 Ad reginam benedicendam
159 (79r)
FR OCist 1200 (about), Pontifical, BM Troyes Ms. 1224 | 1016 Benedictio reginae
FR Paris 1400-1425, Missal, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 08886 | 728 -
616 (312v)
FR Paris 1400-1425, Missal, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 08886 | 728 Ordo ad benedicendum reginam quae debet consecrari statim post consecrationem regis
160 (84v)
FR Paris 1400-1420, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00961 (1) & (2) | 729 Incipit officium in coronatione reginae quae benedicitur in ingressu ecclesiae
FR Paris 1218 (after), Pontifical, BU Méd. Montpellier H 399 | 1029 Benedictio reginae
FR Rouen 1150 (about), Pontifical, BNF Paris NAL 0306 | 514 Incipit consecratio reginae ab episcopo dicenda
353 (170r)
FR Senlis 1200-1300, Pontifical, HAB Wolfenbüttel Inv.-Nr. 475 | 298 Ad reginam benedicendam
33 (15r)
FR Senlis 1300 (before), Pontifical, SS Paris Ms. 1986 (R 9) | 951 Ad reginam benedicendam
66 (57v)
FR Sens 1175-1300, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00934 | 585 Benedictio reginae in ingressu ecclesiae
185 (88r)
FR Sens 1300-1400, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00962 | 586 Benedictio reginae in ingressu ecclesiae
403 (189r)
FR Sens 1301-1400, Pontifical, BM Arras Ms. 986 | 994 Benedictio reginae in ingressu ecclesiae
FR Sens 1175-1200, Pontifical, BM Sens Ms. 09 | 2668 Ad reginam benedicendam
FR Strasbourg 1311, Pontifical, ÖNB Wien Cod. 1814 Han | 942 Si vero regina fuerit coronanda
GB Canterbury 1150-1200, Pontifical, Magdalen Oxford Ms. 226 | 225 Incipit consecratio reginae
141 (95)
GB England (South) 1000 (about), Pontifical, BL London Add. Ms. 57337 | 1884 Quam consecratio reginae sequitur
138 (63r)
GB London 1400 (about), Pontifical, BL London Lansdowne Ms. 451 | 933 Benedictio reginae dicenda in ingressu ecclesiae secundum ordinem Romanum
GB Sherborne 0900-1000, Pontifical, BNF Paris Lat. 00943 | 737 Quam consecratio reginae sequitur
155 (74r)
GB Wells 0900-1000, Pontifical, BM Rouen Ms. 368 (A. 27) | 2662 Ab episcopo vel presbytero dicenda
GB Worcester 1000-1025, Pontifical, BL London Cotton Ms. Claudius A III | 1904 Incipit consecratio reginae ab episcopo dicenda
44 (17r)
GB York 1508-1514, Pontifical, Cambridge UL Ff.6.1 | 690 -
332 (279)
GB York 1508-1514, Pontifical, Cambridge UL Ff.6.1 | 690 Benedictio reginae dicenda in ingressu ecclesiae secundum ordinem Romanum
275 (222)
HR Dubrovnik 1200-1400, Pontifical, BAV Borgh. 14 | 1131 Si vero regina fuerit coronanda
HU Veszprém 1300-1350, Pontifical, OSZK Budapest Clmae 317 | 670 Benedictio reginae
192 (95r)
IT Bergamo 1451-1455, Pontifical, BAV Vat. lat. 01145 | 1562 De benedictione et coronatione reginae
IT Cassino 1057-1086, Pontifical, BAV Barb. lat. 631 | 229 In consecratione reginae
IT Messina 1200-1300, Pontifical, BNE Madrid Ms. 00678 | 384 Benedictio reginae
288 (143v)
IT Messina 1300-1500, Pontifical, BNE Madrid Ms. 00715 | 383 Si vero regina fuerit coronanda
IT Messina 1300-1500, Pontifical, BNE Madrid Ms. 00715 | 991 Si vero regina fuerit coronanda
57 (50r)
IT Milano 1000-1100, Ritual, Ambrosiana Milano | 392 Ordo ad benedicendum reginam
176 (131)
IT Milano 1000-1100, Ritual, Ambrosiana Milano | 392 Ordo ad reginam consecrandam
165 (120)
IT Milano 1050-1100, Pontifical, BAV Vat. lat. 13151 | 925 Ordo ad reginam consecrandam
IT Monreale 1200-1300, Pontifical, BAV Vat. lat. 06748 | 927 Benedictio reginae in ingressu ecclesiae
IT Piacenza 1150-1200, Pontifical, Bibl. Arch. Cap. Piacenza Ms. 4 | 930 In consecratione reginae
IT Roma 1595, Pontifical, Pontificale Romanum | 1194 De benedictione et coronatione reginae
249 (242)
IT Siracusa 1200-1400, Pontifical, BAV Vat. lat. 04746 | 926 Benedictio reginae in ingressu ecclesiae
IT Troia 1300-1350, Pontifical, BN Napoli Ms. VI G 24 | 640 Si vero regina fuerit coronanda
158 (145r)
PL Kraków 1400-1450, Pontifical, Kap. Katedr. Kraków Ms. 11 (28) | 313 Benedictio reginae. In ingressu ecclesiae dicat pontifex
PL Kraków 1455-1460, Pontifical, Kap. Katedr. Kraków Ms. 13 | 1143 Benedictio reginae in ingressu ecclesiae
485 (73)
PL Płock 1175-1225, Pontifical, Sem. Plock Mspł. 29 (olim: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 28938) | 536 Benedictio reginae
182 (89r)
PT Braga 1200 (about), Pontifical, Bibl. Públ. Porto Ms. 1134 (Santa Cruz 83) | 1027 Benedictio reginae

See also