
Latin Keywords lavacrum, balnei, saponis, sabonis
Short Description The blessing of a bath or its place, peculiar to Poland.


Book Original Index Title P.N
AT St. Florian 1100-1200, Ritual, | 6508 Benedictio sabonis vels migmatis
DE Corvey 0965-1000, Sacramentary, BSB München Clm 10077 | 3478 Benedticio saponis
402 (206v)
DE Hildesheim 1067 (about), Pontifical, StaBi Bamberg Msc. Lit. 054 | 899 Benedictio sabonis
226 (111r)
DE Lüneburg 1100-1150, Pontifical, HAB Wolfenbüttel Cod. Guelf. 0141 Helmst., Heinemann-Nr. 164 | 349 Oratio ad lavacrum
201 (99r)
DE Magdeburg 1508 (after), Ceremonial, Ordinal, StaBi Berlin Ms. theol. lat. Quart. 113 | 2918 XVIII. De balneo claustrali
DE Regensburg 0993-0994, Sacramentary, Bibl. Cap. Verona LXXXVI | 1038 Benedictio saponis
DE Wessobrunn 1120 (about), Collectary, Ritual, BSB München Clm 22039 | 3510 Benedictio saponis
369 (183r)
DE Worms 0975-1000, Pontifical, BM Troyes Ms. 2141 | 1019 Benedictio saponis novi
FR Gellone 0780-0800, Sacramentary, BNF Paris Lat. 12048 | 3247 Benedictio saponis
484 (237v)
FR Reims 0900-1000, Sacramentary, BM Reims Ms. 214 | 2571 Benedictio saponis
349 (170r)
GB Winchester 1061 (about), Ritual, Corpus Christi Cambridge Ms. 422 | 3900 Summe Deus qui ima et media summaque custodis
IT Subiaco 1000-1025, Missal, BAV Vat. lat. 04770 | 1584 Benedictio saponis
460 (228v)
PL Kraków 1517, Ritual, Agenda Cracoviensis | 312 Benedictio balnei
330 (96v)
PL Kraków 1423-1455, Pontifical, Kap. Katedr. Kraków Ms. 12. | 316 Benedictio balnei
340 (67)
PL Kraków 1488-1503, Pontifical, Kap. Katedr. Kraków Ms. 14 | 1144 Benedictio balnei
PL Kraków 1455-1460, Pontifical, Kap. Katedr. Kraków Ms. 13 | 1143 Benedictio balnei
PL Płock 1554, Ritual, Agenda Plocensis | 534 Benedictio balnei