
Latin Keywords raphani
Short Description The blessing of cabbage: on the feast of the Chair of St Peter (at Antioch, February 22) or on Ash Wednesday (Breslau/Wrocław).


Book Original Index Title P.N
DE Magdeburg 1487, Ritual, Agenda communis | 362 Benedicto raphani in die sancti Petri
100 (49v)
DE Magdeburg 1497, Ritual, Agenda communis | 363 Benedicto raphani in die sancti Petri
125 (58r)
DE Meißen 1512, Ritual, Benedictionale Misnense | 377 Benedictio raphani
134 (65v)
DE Naumburg (Saale) 1502, Ritual, Agenda Numburgensis | 400 Benedictio raphani die sancti Petri Cathedrae
222 (108v)
PL Wrocław 1510, Ritual, Agenda Vratislaviensis | 683 In capite ieiunii benedictio cinerum et raphani maioris
96 (32v)

See also