Origin | Bangor (GB) |
Age | 0680-0691 |
Shelfmark of library | Ambrosiana Milano, C 5 inf. |
Edition | L'antifonario di Bangor: [Antiphonarium Bangoriense.] A cura di Ezio Franceschini. Padova : Gregoriana, (1941). - X S., 1Bl., 86 S., 1 Bl.: http://gso.gbv.de/DB=1.55/PPNSET?PPN=03790602X |
Catalogue |
Gamber, 1968:0150 Manus Digit., Ambrosiana C 005 inf. |
Remark | Bangor Antiphoner (1); A manuscript from the monastery of Bangor, in Down, written or copied from a manuscript written during the time of Abbot Cronan (680-91). It contains a large collection of canticles, hymns, collects, and antiphons, all, with very few exceptions, relating to the Divine Office. All but two of the twenty-one pieces in the Turin fragment are found in this manuscript also. (https://archive.org/stream/liturgyceltuc00warruoft#page/186/mode/2up/search/bangor) |