Conspectus with ceremony Canon of the Mass

Assignment Rubrics Genre Item P.N
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue Incipiens praefationem dicit: F Per omnia 309
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/1 W Dominus vobiscum 309
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/2 W Et cum 309
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/3 W Sursum corda 309
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/4 Quod dicens facit crucem super aram deinde super… W Habemus ad Dominum 309
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/5 W Gratias agamus 309
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/6 Quod dicendo elevat et iungit manus ante pectus e… W Dignum et iustum est 309
Gen/Gen/Gen/Canon of the Mass/Common preface/1 In diebus duplicibus et diebus dominicis VD Per quem maiestatem 310
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass In missis vero solemnibus finita praefatione diac… VD Te igitur 310
Gen/Gen/Gen/Canon of the Mass/Common preface/2 Praefatio simplex VD Per quem maiestatem 312
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass Deinde manibus iunctis et inclinatus dicit VD Te igitur 353
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/1 Inclinat caput VDDiv Dominum nostrum supplices 353
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/2 Hinc inde positis manibus super altare osculatur… VDDiv Uti accepta habeas 353
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/3 Dextera manu ter signat super hostiam et calicem… VDDiv Haec dona haec munera 353
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/4 Extensis manibus ante pectus prosequitur VDDiv In primis 353
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/5 Exprimendo nomen papae VDDiv Papa nostro N. 353
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/6 Nominando nomen pontificis VDDiv Antistite nostro N. 353
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/7 Nominando nomen regis VDDiv Et rege nostro N. 353
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/8 Hic oret pro vivis VDDiv Memento Domine 353
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/10 VDDiv Communicantes 354
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/1 Quod cum dixerit iungit manus ante pectus stans e… Rub 354
Canon of the Mass/oration (during Canon)/1 Quae autem sunt ea q. in specie sunt commemoranda… Or Memento Domine indigni famuli tui sacerdotis 354
Canon of the Mass/oration (during Canon)/2 Vel aliam similem orationem. Deinde potest dicere… Or Dignare Domine hanc oblationem specialiter acceptare pro his 354
Canon of the Mass/oration (during Canon)/3 Si autem voluerit pro aliquibus specialiter orare… Or Dignare Domine 354
Canon of the Mass/oration (during Canon)/4 Et deinde prosequitur Or Memento Domine N. et N. pro quo / pro quibus hoc sacrificium tibi specialiter offertur 354
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/9 Advertat quoque sacerdos ne in ista commemoration… VDDiv Et omnium circumstantium 354
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/11 Inclinat caput dicens VDDiv Mariae Genitricis Dei 354
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/12 Elevans se prosequitur VDDiv Sed et beatorum apostolorum 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/13 Minister accendit intorticium quod erectum in dex… VDDiv Hanc igitur 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/14 Inclinans caput Deo prosequitur VDDiv Quaesumus Domine ut placatus 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/15 Erigit se et iungit manus ante pectus dicens secr… VDDiv Quam oblationem 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/16 Dextra manu signat ter super hostiam et calicem s… VDDiv Benedictam adscriptam 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/17 Semel signat tantu super hostiam dicens VDDiv Corpus 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/18 Deinde super calicem tantum dicens VDDiv Et sanguis fiat 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/19 Inclinat caput VDDiv Iesu Christi 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/20 Et tergit aliquantulum pollices et indices super… VDDiv Qui pridie 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/22 Elevat ad Deum oculos et sine mora dimittit dicens VDDiv Et elevatis oculis 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/23 Tenet hostiam inter pollicem et indicem sinistrae… VDDiv Benedixit fregit 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/21 Tunc accipit cum pollice et indice dextrae manus… VDDiv Accepit panem 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/24 Discooperit manu dextra calicem seu vas aliarum h… VDDiv Hoc est enim corpus meum 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/2 Ita clare ut ipse sacerdos se audiat et dicat ea… Rub 355
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/25 Deinde celebrans discooperit calicem et pollices… VDDiv Simili modo 356
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/26 Et cum dicit VDDiv Accipiens et hunc 356
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/28 Elevat oculos ad Deum dicens VDDiv Item tibi gratias agens 356
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/29 Et tenet calicem manu sinistra per nodum infra su… VDDiv Benedixit deditque 356
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/31 Et ponit calicem super corporale et cooperit eum… VDDiv Haec quotiescumque feceritis 356
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/27 Ambabus manibus (non aperiens praefatos digitos)… VDDiv Praeclarum calicem in sanctas 356
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/30 Accipit ambabus manibus calicem videlicet cum dex… VDDiv Hic est enim calix sanguinis mei 356
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/3 Et genuflexus Sanguinem reverenter adorat tunc se… Rub 356
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/32 Tunc celebrans brachia et manus extendit ad utrum… VDDiv Unde et memores 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/33 Manus ad se parum reducens dicit VDDiv Necnon et ab inferis 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/34 Manus aliquantulum altius erigit usque ad humeros… VDDiv Offerimus praeclare maiestati tuae 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/35 Tunc manu dextra signat ter communiter super host… VDDiv Hostiam puram hostiam sanctam 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/36 Super hostiam tantum signat dicens VDDiv Panem sanctum vitae aeternae 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/37 Super calicem tantum signat dicens VDDiv Et calicem salutis perpetuae 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/38 Secrete prosequitur stans manibus ante pectus mor… VDDiv Supra quae propitio 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/39 Inclinat se ante medium altaris et manibus cancel… VDDiv Supplices te rogamus 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/40 Separatis manibus hinc et inde super altare posit… VDDiv Ex hac altaris 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/41 Erigit se et iunctis manibus continuat VDDiv Sacrosanctum Filii tui 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/42 Signat manu dextra super hostiam tantum dicens VDDiv Corpus 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/43 Signat eadem manu super calicem tantum dicens VDDiv Et sanguinem sumpserimus 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/44 Signat seipsum signo crucis a fronte ad pectus di… VDDiv Omni benedictione caelesti 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/45 Hic orat pro defunctis dicens VDDiv Memento etiam 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/46 Stans manibus iunctis ante pectus oculis apertis… VDDiv Qui nos praecesserunt 357
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/47 Dextra manu percutit pectus suum dicens aliquantu… VDDiv Nobis quoque peccatoribus 358
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/48 Et secrete prosequitur VDDiv Famulis tuis de multitudine 358
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/49 Et non dicitur Amen. Sed iunctis manibus ante pec… VDDiv Per quem haec omnia 358
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/50 Manu dextra ter signat communiter super hostiam e… VDDiv Sanctificas vivificas 358
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/51 Discooperit manu dextra calicem et genuflexus rev… VDDiv Per ipsum 358
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/52 Secundam parum inferius iuxta labia calicis dicen… VDDiv Et cum ipso 358
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/53 Tertiam intra vas calicis per medium concavitatis… VDDiv Et in ipso 358
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/54 Quartam a medio oris calicis contra faciem ipsius… VDDiv Est tibi Deo Patri 358
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/55 Quintam videlicet descendendo a summitate calicis… VDDiv In unitate Spiritus Sancti 358
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/1 F Oremus. Praeceptis salutaribus 358
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/2 Elevat et iungit manus ante pectus et oculis ad s… F Pater noster 358
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/56 Tenet manu dextra hostiam super calicem quam manu… VDDiv Per omnia 358
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/3 Extensis manibus ante pectus ut prius continuat F Qui es in caelis 358
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/4 Quod dicendo diaconus vel ipse sacerdos discooper… F Da nobis hodie 359
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/5 R. F Sed libera 359
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/6 Sacerdos dicit secrete F Amen 359
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass VD Te igitur 369
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/1 VDDiv In primis 369
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/2 Oret pro vivis VDDiv Memento Domine 369
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/3 Infra canonem VDDiv Communicantes 369
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/4 Infra actionem VDDiv Hanc igitur 370
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/5 VDDiv Quam oblationem 370
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/6 VDDiv Qui pridie 371
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/7 VDDiv Hoc est enim corpus meum 371
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/8 VDDiv Simili modo 371
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/9 VDDiv Hic est enim calix sanguinis mei 371
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/10 VDDiv Haec quotiescumque 372
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/11 VDDiv Unde et memores 372
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/12 VDDiv Supra quae propitio 372
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/13 VDDiv Supplices te rogamus 372
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/14 Hic oret pro defunctis VDDiv Memento etiam 373
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/15 VDDiv Nobis quoque 373
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/16 VDDiv Per quem haec omnia 373
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/17 VDDiv Per ipsum et cum ipso 373
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/18 Incipit Pater noster duplex VDDiv Per omnia 374
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/1 F Oremus. Praeceptis salutaribus 374
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/2 F Pater noster 374
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/19 Incipit Pater noster simplex VDDiv Per omnia 375
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/3 F Oremus. Praeceptis salutaribus 375
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/4 F Pater noster 375