
Origin S/M Week Day Topic M/H Ceremony Rubrics Genre Item P.N.
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f4 Ascensio Domini (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Off Ascendit Deus in iubilatione 252
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f4 Ascensio Domini (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Praefatio comm… Secr Sacrificium Domine pro Filii tui supplices ... caelestia consurgamus. 252
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f4 Ascensio Domini (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Comm Pater cum essem 253
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f4 Ascensio Domini (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Postcomm Tribue quaesumus Domine ut per haec sacra quae sumpsimus ... nostra substantia Iesus Christus Dominus noster. 253
Aix-en-Provence minor blessing of water In die Ascensi… Ant Sanctus Deus sanctus fortis 253
Aix-en-Provence minor blessing of water AntV Ascendit Deus in iubilatione 253
Aix-en-Provence minor blessing of water Quaere antipho… Or Exaudi nos Domine 253
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Ad missam stat… Intr Viri Galilaei 253
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers IntrV Cumque intuerentur in caelum 253
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Coll Concede quaesumus omnipotens Deus ut qui hodierna die ... caelestibus habitemus. 253
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Lc Primum quidem sermonem (Act 1) 253
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers All Ascendit Deus in iubilatione 254
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers All Non vos relinquam 254
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Seq Rex omnipotens die hodierna 254
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Credo et dicit… Ev Recumbentibus undecim (Mc 16) 254
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Off Viri Galilaei 254
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Secr Suscipe Domine munera quae pro Filii tui gloriosa ascensione deferimus et concede ... perveniamus aeternam. 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Et dicitur per… VD Qui post resurrectionem 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Et dicitur pri… Infracan Communicantes 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Comm Psallite Domino 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f5 Ascensio Domini M2 Mass Propers Postcomm Praesta nobis quaesumus omnipotens et misericors Deus ut quae visibilibus mysteriis ... consequamur effectu. 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f6 M2 Mass Propers Feria vi offic… Lc Finis legis Christus (R 10) 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H5 f6 M2 Mass Propers Ev Ego mittam promissum Patris (L 24) 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers Dominica i pos… Intr Exaudi Domine vocem meam qua clamavi ad te alleluia 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers Gloria in exce… IntrV Dominus illuminatio mea 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers Coll Omnipotens sempiterne Deus fac nos ... corde servire. 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers Lc Estote prudentes et vigilate (1P 4) 255
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers All Ascendit Deus 256
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers All Cum venerit Paraclitus 256
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers Credo Ev Cum venerit Paraclitus (J 15) 256
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers Off Lauda anima mea 256
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers Secr Sacrificia nos Domine immaculata purificent ... dent vigorem. 256
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers Quaere ante ca… VD Qui post resurrectionem 256
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers Comm Non vos relinquam orphanos 256
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 D M2 Mass Propers Postcomm Repleti Domine muneribus sacris 256
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 f4 M2 Mass Propers Feria iiii off… Lc Videmus Iesum propter passionem mortis (H 2) 256
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 f4 M2 Mass Propers Ev Sublevatis Iesus oculis in caelum dixit pater sancte (J 17) 257
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 f6 M2 Mass Propers Feria vi Lc Deus qui dives est (E 2) 257
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 f6 M2 Mass Propers Ev Sicut misit me vivens Pater (J 20) 257
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 f5 Mass Propers Feria v in oct… Rub 258
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 f6 Mass Propers Feria vi dicit… Rub 258
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Vig.Pent Vigil of Whitsun In vigilia Pen… Or Da nobis quaesumus Domine per gratiam ... muneribus aptiores. 258
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Deinde leguntu… Proph In principio creavit (Gn 1) 258
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Sequentes orat… Or Omnipotens sempiterne Deus indeficiens lumen ... dona multiplicet. 258
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Proph Tentavit Deus Abraham (Gn 22) 258
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Or Deus qui in Abrahae ... omnibus adimplere. 258
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Proph Factum est in vigilia matutina (Ex 14) 258
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Tr Cantemus Domino gloriose enim honorificatus est 258
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Or Deus qui in primis temporibus ... participatione regenerentur. 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Proph Scripsit Moyses canticum (Dt 31) 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Tr Attende caelum et loquar 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Or Deus glorificatio fidelium ... remedium transferatur aeternum. 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Proph Haec est hereditas servorum (Is 54) 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Or Domine Deus virtutum ... inspiratione dirigantur. 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Proph Apprehendent septem mulieres (Is 4) 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Tr Vinea facta est dilecto 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Or Omnipotens sempiterne Deus qui per unicum Filium ... fruge ditentur. 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Proph Audi Israel mandata (Bar 3) 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Or Deus qui nobis per prophetarum ora ... inspiratione valeamus. 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Tr Sicut cervus desiderat 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Finitis lectio… Or Concede quaesumus omnipotens Deus ut qui sollemnitatem doni Spiritus Sancti colimus ... vitae sitiamus. 259
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Sequitur missa… Coll Praesta quaesumus omnipotens Deus ut claritatis tuae ... illustratione confirmet. 260
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Lc Factum est cum Apollo esset Corinthi (Act 19) 260
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers All Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus 260
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Tr Laudate Dominum omnes gentes 260
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Credo Ev Si diligitis me mandata mea (J 14) 260
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Off Emitte Spiritum tuum et creabuntur 260
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Secr Munera quaesumus Domine oblata sanctifica et corda nostra Sancti Spiritus illustratione emunda. 260
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers VD Qui ascendens super omnes caelos 261
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Infracan Communicantes 261
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Infracan Hanc igitur 261
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Vig.Pent Vigil of Whitsun dicitur et pax… Rub 261
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Comm Ultimo die festivitatis 261
Aix-en-Provence Pasc H6 S Pentecostes (Vigilia) M2 Mass Propers Dicitur Ite mi… Postcomm Sancti Spiritus Domine corda nostra mundet infusio ... aspersione fecundet. 261
Aix-en-Provence minor blessing of water In die sancto… Ant Sanctus Deus 261
Aix-en-Provence minor blessing of water Oratio ut supra AntV Spiritus Domini replevit orbem 261
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Ad missam Stat… Intr Spiritus Domini replevit orbem 261
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers IntrV Exsurgat Deus et dissipentur 261
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Coll Deus qui hodierna die corda ... consolatione gaudere. 261
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Lc Cum complerentur dies Pentecostes (Act 2) 261
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers All Emitte Spiritum tuum 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers All Veni Sancte Spiritus 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Seq Veni Sancte Spiritus et emitte 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Ev Si quis diligit me (J 14) 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Off Confirma hoc Deus 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Secr Munera quaesumus Domine oblata sanctifica et corda nostra Sancti Spiritus illustratione emunda. 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers VD Qui ascendens super omnes caelos 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Infracan Communicantes 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Infracan Hanc igitur 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Comm Factus est repente de caelo 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 D Pentecostes M2 Mass Propers Postcomm Sancti Spiritus Domine corda nostra mundet infusio ... aspersione fecundet. 262
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 f2 M2 Mass Propers Feria ii Stati… Intr Cibavit eos ex adipe 263
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 f2 M2 Mass Propers IntrV Exsultate Deo adiutori nostro 263
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 f2 M2 Mass Propers Coll Deus qui apostolis tuis Sanctum dedisti Spiritum concede ... largiaris et pacem. 263
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 f2 M2 Mass Propers Lc Viri fratres et patres (Act 10) 263
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 f2 M2 Mass Propers All Spiritus Dei ornavit caelos 263
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 f2 M2 Mass Propers All Veni Sancte Spiritus 263
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 f2 M2 Mass Propers supra folio cxx Seq Veni Sancte Spiritus 263
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 f2 M2 Mass Propers Credo Ev Sic Deus dilexit mundum (J 3) 263
Aix-en-Provence Pent H1 f2 M2 Mass Propers Off Intonuit de caelo 263