Harvard University Houghton Library US, Cambridge, MA

Country US
City Cambridge, MA
Official Name Harvard University Houghton Library


Country Origin Age Genre(s) Manuscript / Title Usuarium ID
Spain Astorga 1526 Ritual Manuale Astoricense 172
United Kingdom York 1403 Ritual Houghton Cambridge Ms. Widener 1 (HEW 7.11.12) 691
Italy Milano 1150 (about) Gradual... Houghton Cambridge Ms. Lat. 388 940
Italy Milano 1250-1300 Gradual... Houghton Cambridge Ms. Lat. 389 941
France Paris 1500 (about) Book of Hours Horae Parisiense 4099
France Rouen 1475-1500 Book of Hours Horae Rothomagense 4100
France Paris 1475-1500 Book of Hours Horae Parisiense 4101
France Paris 1500-1510 Book of Hours Horae Parisiense 4102
France Rouen 1475-1500 Book of Hours Horae Rothomagense 4103
France Orléans 1490 (about) Book of Hours Horae Aurelianense 4104
France Noyon 1240-1250 Missal Missale Noviomense 4105
France Beauvais 1520 (about) Pontifical Houghton Cambridge Ms. Typ 28 (41 HM-4) 4106
Spain Huesca 1515 Missal Missale Oscense et Iaccense 5823
0700-0900 Sacramentary Sacramentarium 6572