James Lambeth

Title The manuscripts in the library at Lambeth palace
Author(s) James Montague Rhodes
Publishing House Deighton, Cambridge, 1900
Series Octavo publications of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society
Series number 33


Catalogue no. Country Origin Age Genre(s) Manuscript / Title Usuarium ID
193 Israel OCarm 1312 (about) Ordinal Lambeth Palace London Ms. 193 835
213 Ireland Meath 1400-1425 Missal Lambeth Palace London Ms. 0213 7759
363 United Kingdom Llanthony 1100-1300 Treatise Lambeth Palace London Ms. 363 1105
380 United Kingdom England 1200-1300 Treatise Lambeth Palace London Ms. 380 1104
458 United Kingdom Llanthony 1200-1300 Treatise Lambeth Palace London Ms. 458 1106