Conspectus with ceremony Vigil of Whitsun

Assignment Rubrics Genre Item P.N
Pasc/H6/S/Pentecostes (Vigilia)/Vigil of Whitsun/1 Cantata hora nona, accedat sacerdos ad altare cum… F Pater noster 215
Pasc/H6/S/Pentecostes (Vigilia)/Vigil of Whitsun/baptismal font Deinde sequantur litaniae, et benedictio fontium,… H Rex sanctorum 217
Pasc/H6/S/Pentecostes (Vigilia)/Vigil of Whitsun/-/2 Kyrie eleison, et interim dicat sacerdos Confiteo… F Kyrie eleison 217
Pasc/H6/S/Pentecostes (Vigilia)/Vigil of Whitsun/-/3 F Confiteor 217
Pasc/H6/S/Pentecostes (Vigilia)/Vigil of Whitsun/-/4 Sequitur: ... Tunc omnes genuflectent exeuntes ca… F Gloria in excelsis 217