Hymnarium 6112

Genre Hymnary (Office)
Age 1076-1125
Shelfmark of library Trinity Coll. Dublin, Ms. 1441 (olim: E 4. 2)
Edition The Irish liber hymnorum edited from the mss. with translations, notes, and glossary / by J. H. Bernard,... and R. Atkinson. - London : Harrisson and sons, 1898. - 2 vols. - Henry Bradshaw Society 13-14 (a combination of both manuscripts): https://archive.org/stream/irishliberhymnor02bern#page/n5/mode/2up
Remark Liber Hymnorum; This is not exactly a liturgical book, but a collection of forty hymns in Latin and Irish, almost all of Irish origin, with canticles and ccclxv orationes quas beatus Gregorius de toto psalterio congregavit. There are explanatory prefaces in Irish or Latin to each hymn. Some of the hymns are found in the Bangor Antiphoner, the Leabhar Breac, and the Book of Cerne. There are two manuscripts of this collection, not agreeing exactly, one in trinity College, Dublin, of the eleventh century, and one in the Franciscan Convent at Dublin, of somewhat later date. Trinity College Library Dublin ; descriptive catalogue of the mediaeval and renaissance Latin manuscripts ; Descriptive catalogue of the medieval and Renaissance Latin manuscripts / Colker, Marvin L. ; O'Sullivan, William. - Aldershot ; Scolar Press, 1991-2008. - 3 vols.