Conspectus with ceremony Canon of the Mass

Assignment Rubrics Genre Item P.N
Canon of the Mass/Common preface/1 Praefatio communis et sollemnis ubi propria non a… VD Per quem maiestatem 267
Canon of the Mass/Common preface/2 Sequitur praefatio per annum canenda in diebus fe… VD Per quem maiestatem 268
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass Deinde profunde inclinatus ante altare iunctis ma… VD Te igitur 271
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/1 Hic erigens se osculatur altare et ter signet tam… VDDiv Haec dona 271
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/2 Deinde extensis manibus et mediocriter elevatis p… VDDiv In primis quae tibi offerimus 271
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/1 Nota quod utrunque Memento fit communiter iunctis… Rub 271
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/3 Pro vivis VDDiv Memento Domine 271
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/4 Infra actionem. Nota quod sunt aliquae sollemnita… VDDiv Communicantes 272
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/5 Infra actione. Hic nota quae in praecedenti dicta… VDDiv Hanc igitur 273
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/6 VDDiv Quam oblationem 273
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/7 Tres praecedentes cruces primae fiunt super hosti… VDDiv Qui pridie 273
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/8 VDDiv Hoc est enim corpus 274
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/10 VDDiv Hic est enim calix 274
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/9 Et adorato corpore Domini cum mediocri inclinatio… VDDiv Simili modo 274
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/11 Hic cooperiatur calix. VDDiv Haec quotienscunque feceritis in mei memoriam facietis. 274
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/12 Postea cum mediocri inclinatione adorato pretiosi… VDDiv Unde et memores 275
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/13 Deinde continuet manibus disiunctis VDDiv Supra quae propitio 275
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/14 Hic inclinet se profunde et dicat iunctis manibus VDDiv Supplices te rogamus 276
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/15 Hic elevet se et osculetur altare quando dicit ex… VDDiv Ut quotquot exhac altaris participatione sacrosanctum Filii 276
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/16 Nota quod precedentium prima crux fit tantum supe… VDDiv Memento etiam 276
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/17 Hic percutiat pectus suum aliquantulum altius dic… VDDiv Nobis quoque 277
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/18 Hic non dicitur Amen. VDDiv Per quem haec omnia Domine semper bona creas 277
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/2 Nota tres primas cruces fieri super hostiam et ca… Rub 277
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/19 Cantus sequens dicitur in omnibus festivitatibus… VDDiv Per omnia 278
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/1 F Oremus ... Praeceptis salutaribus ... Pater noster 278
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/2 F Sed libera 279
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/20 Cantus sequens dicitur in ferialibus diebus et fe… VDDiv Per omnia 279
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/3 F Oremus ... Praeceptis salutaribus ... Pater noster 279
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/4 Sacerdos dicit Amen. F Sed libera 280