Conspectus with ceremony preparation and vesting for Mass

Assignment Rubrics Genre Item P.N
preparation and vesting for Mass/mental preparation/1 Or Summe sacerdos 146 (71r)
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting/2 Quando sacerdos praeparet se ad missam Or Exue me Domine 154 (75r)
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting/1 Lavans se dicat istum psalmum Ps Iudica me Domine quoniam ego... Lavabo... 154 (75r)
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting/2 Ad lavandas manus Ps Lavabo 155
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting F Kyrie... Pater noster... Et ne nos... 155
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting W Ostende... Domine exaudi... Dominus vobiscum 155
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting/3 Oratio Or Largire sensibus nostris 155
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting/4 Ad humerale Or Humeros meos et pectus meum 155
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting/5 Ad albam Or Omnipotens ... te suppliciter exoro ... vera sunt gaudia. 155
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting/6 Ad cingulum Or Praecinge me Domine 155
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting/7 Ad manipulam Or Da Domine virtutem manibus... maculam immundam... 155
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting/8 Ad stolam Or Stola iustitiae circumda cervicem meam Domine 156
preparation and vesting for Mass/vesting/9 Ad casulam Or Fac me quaeso omnipotens Deus ita iustitia 156