
Assignment Rubrics Genre Item P.N
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/1 Ant Mandatum novum 164 (77v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/1 AntV Beati immaculati 164 (77v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/2 Ant Postquam surrexit 164 (77v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/2 AntV Magnus Dominus 164 (77v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/3 Ant Dominus Iesus postquam 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/4 Ant In diebus illis mulier 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/3 AntV Benedixisti Domine 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/5 Ant Maria ergo unxit pedes 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/4 AntV Domine ne in furore 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/6 Ant Vos vocatis 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/5 AntV Exemplum enim dedi vobis 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/7 Ant Diligamus nos 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/6 AntV Quam dilecta 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/8 Ant Ubi est caritas et dilectio 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/7 AntV Deus misereatur 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/9 Ant Congregavit nos Christus 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/8 AntV A solis ortu 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/10 Ant Mulier quae erat 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/9 AntV Dum esset rex 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/11 Ant Domine tu mihi lavas 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/10 AntV Venit ergo ad Simonem 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/12 Ant Domine tu mihi lavas 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/11 AntV Quod ego facio 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/13 Ant Domine tu mihi lavas 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/12 AntV Domine non tantum pedes 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/14 Ant Domine tu mihi lavas 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/13 AntV Si ego Dominus 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/14 AntV Audite haec 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/15 Ant In hoc cognoscent 165 (78r)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/16 Ant Maneant in vobis 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/15 AntV Nunc autem 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/17 Ant Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/16 AntV Benedicamus Patrem 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/18 Ant Ubi caritas et amor 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/17 AntV Congregavit nos in unum 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/18 AntV Exsultemus et in ipso 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/19 AntV Timeamus et amemus 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/20 AntV Et ex corde 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/21 AntV Qui non habet caritatem 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/22 AntV Et in tenebris et umbra mortis 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/23 AntV Nos alterutrum amemus 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/24 AntV Sicut decet ambulemus 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/25 AntV Clamat Dominus et dicit clara voce 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/26 AntV Ubi fuerint in unum 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/27 AntV Meum propter nomen 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/28 AntV Et in medio eorum ego ero 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/29 AntV Simul ergo cum in unum 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/30 AntV Ne nos mente 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/31 AntV Cessent iurgia 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/32 AntV Et in medio nostri 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/33 AntV Caritas est summum bonum 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/34 AntV In qua pendet totus ordo 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/35 AntV Per quam vetus atque nova 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/36 AntV Quae ad caeli celsa 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/37 AntV Nam ut caritas coniugit 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/38 AntV Sic discordia disiungit 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/39 AntV Quia caritas praeceptis 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/40 AntV Constat quibus Deus 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/41 AntV Et per coccum prisca 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/42 AntV Qui colore tingi rubro 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/43 AntV Vere memor dat fraternus 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/44 AntV Et perpetuam malignis 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/45 AntV Unanimiter excelsum 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/46 AntV Ut det pacem clemens nostris 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/47 AntV Iungat fidei spei 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/48 AntV Et consortium captemus 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/49 AntV Simul quoque 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/50 AntV Glorianter vultum tuum 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/51 AntV Gaudium quod est immensum 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/f5/washing of feet/chants/52 AntV Saecula per infinita 166 (78v)
Qu/H6/S/Holy Saturday/fire/1 Or Deus qui ... angularem scilicet lapidem 178 (84v)
Qu/H6/S/Holy Saturday/fire/2 Or Domine ... lumen indeficiens 178 (84v)
Qu/H6/S/Holy Saturday/fire/3 Or Domine ... benedicimus hunc ignem 178 (84v)
Qu/H6/S/Holy Saturday/incense Or Veniat ... super hoc incensum 179 (85r)
Qu/H6/S/Holy Saturday/paschal candle VD Exsultet 179 (85r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/1 Proph In principio creavit (Gn 1) 185 (88r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/1 Or Deus qui mirabiliter 187 (89r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/2 Proph Noe vero cum quingentorum esset annorum (Gn 6) 187 (89r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/2 Or Deus incommutabilis virtus 189 (90r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/3 Proph Tentavit Deus Abraham (Gn 22) 189 (90r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/3 Or Deus fidelium Pater summe 190 (90v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/1 Tr Cantemus Domino 191 (91r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/4 Or Deus cuius antiqua miracula ... transeat plenitudo. 191 (91r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/5 Proph Haec est hereditas (Is 54) 191 (91r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/5 Or Omnipotens sempiterne Deus multiplica in honorem nominis tui ... cognoscat impletum. 192 (91v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/6 Proph Audi Israel mandata vitae (Bar 3) 192 (91v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/6 Or Deus qui Ecclesiam tuam semper gentium 193 (92r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/7 Proph Facta est super me manus Domini (Ez 3) 193 (92r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/7 Or Deus qui nos ad celebrandum 194 (92v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/8 Proph Apprehendent septem mulieres (Is 4) 194 (92v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/2 Tr Vinea facta est 194 (92v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/8 Or Deus qui in omnibus Ecclesiae tuae filiis 194 (92v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/9 Proph Dixit Dominus ... Mensis iste vobis (Ex 12) 195 (93r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/9 Or Omnipotens sempiterne Deus qui in omnium operum ... immolatus est Christus. 195 (93r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/10 Proph Factum est verbum ... Surge vade ad Niniven (Jon 3) 195 (93r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/10 Or Deus qui diversitatem 195 (93r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/11 Proph Scripsit Moyses canticum (Dt 31) 195 (93r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/3 Tr Attende caelum 195 (93r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/11 Or Deus celsitudo humilium 196 (93v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/12 Proph Nabuchodonosor rex fecit statuam auream (Dn 3) 196 (93v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/12 Or Omnipotens sempiterne Deus spes unica mundi 197 (94r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/4 Tr Sicut cervus 198 (94v)
Qu/H6/S/Holy Saturday/baptismal font ubi non fuerint fontes Lit Kyrie eleison 198 (94v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/13 postea procedunt ad benedictionem fontium. Or Omnipotens sempiterne Deus respice propitius ad devotionem populi ... corpusque sanctificet. 198 (94v)
Mass ordinary/Kyriale F Kyrie eleison 199 (95r)
Mass ordinary/Kyriale F Gloria in excelsis Deo 199 (95r)
Mass ordinary/oration dialogue W Dominus vobiscum 199 (95r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers Coll Deus qui hanc sacratissimam noctem ... exhibeant servitutem. 199 (95r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers Lc Si consurrexistis (Kol 3) 199 (95r)
Mass ordinary/oration dialogue W Dominus vobiscum 200 (95v)
Mass Propers Infracan Communicantes et noctem sacratissimam 200 (95v)
Mass Propers Infracan Hanc Igitur 200 (95v)
Qu/H6/S/V/Office Propers Ant Alleluia 200 (95v)
Qu/H6/S/V/Office Propers Ps Laudate Dominum omnes gentes 200 (95v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers All Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus 200 (95v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers/5 Tr Laudate Dominum omnes gentes 200 (95v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers Ev Vespere autem sabbati 200 (95v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers Secr Suscipe ... populi tui ... ut paschalibus 200 (95v)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers VD Te quidem 200 (95v)
Qu/H6/S/V/Office Propers Ant Vespere autem sabbati 201 (96r)
Qu/H6/S/V/Office Propers CantNT Magnificat 201 (96r)
Qu/H6/S/V/Office Propers W Dominus vobiscum 201 (96r)
Qu/H6/S/V/Office Propers W Ite missa est alleluia alleluia 201 (96r)
Qu/H6/S/M2/Mass Propers Postcomm Spiritum nobis Domine tuae caritatis infunde 201 (96r)