
Assignment Rubrics Genre Item P.N
Mass ordinary/access/1 Oratio beati Augustini ad introitum missae Or Deus qui de indignis dignos 117
Mass ordinary/Kyriale/1 Hymnus angelicus F Gloria in excelsis Deo 118
Mass ordinary/Gospel/2 Oratio a diaconi dicenda Or Munda cor meum 119
Mass ordinary/Gospel/2 Benedictio sacerdotis F Dominus sit in corde tuo 119
preacher Benedictio ad praedicandum F Corroboret Dominus sensum tuum 120
Mass ordinary/Kyriale/1 Symbolum F Credo 120
Mass ordinary/offertory/2 Quando commiscitur aqua cum vino F Ex latere Domini nostri 122
Mass ordinary/offertory/1 Ad hostiam imponendam Or Grata tibi Domine sit haec oblatio 122
Mass ordinary/offertory/2 Ad calicem offerendum Or Offerimus tibi Domine 123
Mass ordinary/offertory/3 Benedictio calicis Or Dextera Dei Patris omnipotentis benedicat 123
Mass ordinary/offertory/4 Supplicatio ante altare Or In spiritu humilitatis 123
Mass ordinary/offertory/3 Quando convertit se ad populum F Obsecro vos fratres orate 123
Mass ordinary/offertory/4 Responsio cleri F Suscipiat Dominus Iesus sacrificium 124
Mass ordinary/offertory/5 F Mittat tibi Dominus 124
Mass ordinary/offertory/6 F Memot sit omnis 124
Mass ordinary/offertory/5 Benedictio Or Descendat quaesumus Domine Spiritus Sanctus 124
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/1 W Per omnia 125
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/2 W Dominus vobiscum 125
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/3 W Sursum corda 125
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/4 W Gratias agamus 125
Canon of the Mass/Common preface VD Per quem maiestatem 125
Mass ordinary/Kyriale F Sanctus 126
Nat/Nativitas/M2/Mass Propers In die Natalis Domini praefatio VD Quia per incarnati Verbi 126
Ep/Gen/Epiphania/M2/Mass Propers In die Epiphaniae VD Quia cum Unigenitus tuus 127
Pasc/Resurrectio Domini/M2/Mass Propers In die sancto Paschae VD Te quidem omni tempore 127
Pasc/Ascensio Domini/M2/Mass Propers In die Ascensionis Domini VD Qui post resurrectionem suam 128
Spiritus Sanctus/M2/Mass Propers Pentecostes VD Qui ascendens super omnes 128
Trinitas/M2/Mass Propers In festo sanctae Trinitatis VD Qui cum Unigenito Filio tuo 129
Mass ordinary/Kyriale F Sanctus 130
apostolus/M2/Mass Propers In natale apostolorum VD Te Domine suppliciter exorare 130
BMV/M2/Mass Propers Beatae Mariae VD Et te in veneratione 131
Canon of the Mass/Common preface VDDiv Et ideo cum angelis 132
Mass ordinary/Kyriale F Sanctus 132
de cruce/M2/Mass Propers Praefatio in festivitatibus sanctae crucis VD Qui salutem humani generis 132
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass VD Te igitur 139
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/1 VDDiv In primis 139
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/2 VDDiv Memento Domine 140
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/3 VDDiv Communicantes 140
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/4 VDDiv Hanc igitur 141
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/5 VDDiv Quam oblationem 142
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/6 VDDiv Qui pridie 142
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/7 VDDiv Accipite et manducate 143
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/8 VDDiv Hoc est enim corpus meum 143
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/9 VDDiv Simili modo 143
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/10 VDDiv Accipite et bibite 143
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/11 VDDiv Hic est enim calix sanguinis mei 143
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/12 VDDiv Haec quotiescumque 144
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/13 VDDiv Unde et memores 144
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/14 VDDiv Supra quae propitio 145
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/15 VDDiv Supplices te rogamus 145
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/16 VDDiv Memento etiam 146
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/17 VDDiv Nobis quoque 146
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/18 VDDiv Per quem haec omnia 147
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/19 VDDiv Per ipsum et cum ipso 148
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/20 VDDiv Per omnia 148
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/1 F Oremus. Praeceptis salutaribus 148
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/2 F Pater noster 148
Mass ordinary/peace/1 Or Libera nos quaesumus Domine 149
Mass ordinary/peace W Per omnia 150
Mass ordinary/peace/1 F Pax Domini 150
Mass ordinary/Kyriale/2 Tribus vicibus F Agnus Dei 150
Mass ordinary/peace/3 Quando miscetur Corpus et Sanguis F Haec sacrosancta commixtio corporis et sanguinis 150
Mass ordinary/communion/2 Or Domine Iesu Christe Fili Dei vivi qui ex voluntate 150
Mass ordinary/communion/4 F Corpus Domini nostri Iesu Christi custodiat 151
Mass ordinary/communion/3 Post acceptum Corpus Or Corpus Domini nostri Iesu Christi quod ego indignus accepi 151
Mass ordinary/dismissal/4 Post missam oratio Or Placeat tibi sancta Trinitas 152