Conspectus with ceremony Canon of the Mass

Assignment Rubrics Genre Item P.N
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/1 Praefatio cottidiana W Dominus vobiscum 161
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/2 W Sursum corda 161
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/3 W Gratias agamus 161
Canon of the Mass/Common preface VD Per quem maiestatem 161
Canon of the Mass/Common preface/1 Ferialis praefatio VD Vere dignum et iustum est [...] 168
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/2 VD Te igitur 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/1 Hic erigat se et osculetur altare VDDiv Uti accepta habeas 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/2 Hic signa super utrumque VDDiv Haec dona haec munera 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/3 VDDiv In primis 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/4 VDDiv Memento Domine 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/5 Hic nominet [...] VDDiv Et omnium circumstantium 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/6 Infra actionem agenda VDDiv Communicantes 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/7 [?] usque ad finem [...] dici Amen. Hic inclinet… VDDiv Hanc igitur 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/8 Hic erigat se et dicat VDDiv Quam oblationem 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/9 Hic tergat manus ad corporale et accipiat hostiam… VDDiv Qui pridie 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/10 VDDiv Hoc est enim corpus meum 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/11 Hic deponat Corpus et auferat corporale de calice… VDDiv Simili modo 169
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/12 VDDiv Hic est enim calix sanguinis mei 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/13 Hic cooperiat calicem cum corporali et deposito d… VDDiv Haec quotiescumque 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/14 Hic extendat manum in modum crucis VDDiv Unde et memores 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/15 Hic faciat tres cruces super utrumque quarta supe… VDDiv Hostiam puram hostiam sanctam 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/16 VDDiv Supra quae propitio 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/17 Hic inclinet [...] altare dicens cum magna revere… VDDiv Supplices te rogamus 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/18 Hic osculetur altare VDDiv Sacrosanctum Corpus et Sanguinem 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/19 Hic signet seipsum dicens VDDiv Omni benedictione caelesti 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/20 Hic recitentur nomina mortuorum VDDiv Memento etiam 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/21 Hic nominet [...] VDDiv Cum signo fidei 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/22 Hic percutiet aliquantulum exaltando voce VDDiv Nobis quoque 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/23 VDDiv Per quem haec omnia 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/24 Hic signet super utrumque VDDiv Sanctificas vivificas 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/25 Hic faciat quinta cruces cum ipso Corpore prima s… VDDiv Per ipsum 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/26 [...] a labio calicis [...] VDDiv Et cum ipso 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/27 [...] medio calicis super [...] VDDiv Et in ipso 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/28 Quarta a medio calicis [...] inter calicem et ips… VDDiv Est tibi Deo Patri 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/29 Quinta [...] calicis versus pedem calicis super [… VDDiv In unitate Spiritus Sancti 170
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/30 Quo finito teneat Corpus super calicem et parum e… VDDiv Per omnia 170
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/1 F Oremus. Praeceptis saluteribus 171
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/2 F Pater noster 171
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/31 Sequitur nota ferialis VDDiv Per omnia 171
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/3 F Oremus. Praeceptis saluteribus 171
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/4 F Pater noster 171
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/5 Sub silentio dicat F Amen 171