Conspectus with ceremony Canon of the Mass

Assignment Rubrics Genre Item P.N
Canon of the Mass/Preface dialogue/1 Post hoc dicatur praefatio officio seu missae con… W Per omnia .. Dominus vobiscum ... Sursum corda ... Gratias agamus Domino Deo 355
Canon of the Mass/Common preface/1 Praefatio quotidiana VD Per quem maiestatem 355
Canon of the Mass/Common preface/14 Praefatio communis in summis festivitatibus sub n… VD Per quem maiestatem 358
Canon of the Mass/Common preface/15 Praefatio communis festivalis sub nota mediocri VD Per quem maiestatem 359
Canon of the Mass/Common preface/16 Praefatio communis festivalis sub nota dominicali VD Per quem maiestatem 360
Canon of the Mass/Common preface/17 Praefatio communis ferialis et pro defunctis VD Per quem maiestatem 361
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/1 Nota sollemnis F Per omnia ... Oremus ... Praeceptis salutaribus ... Pater noster 380
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/2 Alia sub nota mediocri F Per omnia ... Oremus ... Praeceptis salutaribus ... Pater noster 381
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/3 Sub nota feriali F Per omnia ... Oremus ... Praeceptis salutaribus ... Pater noster 382
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/1 VD Te igitur 388
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/2 VDDiv In primis que tibi offerimus 388
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/3 VDDiv Memento Domine 388
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/4 Memoria vivorum VDDiv Et omnium circumstantium quorum tibi fides 389
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/5 VDDiv Communicantes 389
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/6 Inclinando caput dic: VDDiv Hanc igitur 390
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/7 Erige te. VDDiv Quam oblationem 390
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/8 Hic levet manus sursum: VDDiv Fiat dilectissimi 391
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/9 Tergendo digitos accipiat oblatam dicens: VDDiv Qui pridie 391
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/10 Hic accipiat sursum. VDDiv Et elevatis oculis in caelum 391
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/11 Verba consecrationis corporis Christi: VDDiv Hoc est enim corpus 391
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/12 Ad calicem dicat: VDDiv Simili modo postquam cenatum 391
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/13 Consecratio sanguinis: VDDiv Hic est enim calix 392
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/14 Hic depone calicem et cooperiendo dicas: VDDiv Haec quotienscumque feceritis 392
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/15 Hic manus extendat. VDDiv Unde et memores 392
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/16 Hic erige manus sursum supra calicem eas tenendo: VDDiv Supra quae propitio 393
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/17 Hic tene manus in modum crucis ante altare dicens: VDDiv Supplices te rogamus 393
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/18 Hic osculetur altare. VDDiv Sacrosanctum Filii tui corpus et sanguinem sumpserimus 394
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/19 Benedicat se. VDDiv Benedictione caelesti 394
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/20 VDDiv Memento etiam 394
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/21 Memoria mortuorum VDDiv Ipsis Domine et omnibus in Christo quiescentibus 394
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/22 Tange pectus tuum et levando vocem paulo altius d… VDDiv Nobis quoque 395
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/1 F Oremus ... Praeceptis salutaribus 396
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/2 F Pater noster 396
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/23 VDDiv Per quem haec Domine semper bona creas 396
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/24 Discooperias hic calicem deponendo custodiam. VDDiv Et praestas nobis 396
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass/25 Hic accipiat hostiam reverenter et cum ipsa supra… VDDiv Per ipsum 396
Canon of the Mass/Canon of the Mass Hic iterum ponit corpus Christi et dicit alta voc… VDDiv Per omnia 396
Canon of the Mass/Lord's Prayer/3 Hic manu tunde pectus: ... Hic recipiat patenam i… F Sicut et nos dimittimus 397